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so my girlfriend and I have been together for about 6 months. I'm a lesbian and she's Bi. Neither of us have been with the same sex. I've never had sex. She has been with two guys, as far as I know of.


My little dilemma is, that sometimes I'm not sure if she's actually into me. Like for example sometimes we'll start making out and it'll get really heated up. Sometimes I have trouble controlling myself around her. But then I don't know what happens, she'll just slow down, or just stop.


But then there are the other times when we're together and we're having 'fun' and it's a little inconveniant of a time, or place.


Should I just wait and when it happens it happens...or should I talk to her about having sex.


Advice is greatly appreciated.

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maybe she is Bi or maybe shes just confused...this is all new to her. so give her time & plenty of space. dont swarm into her b/c itll be sure to scare her off. she could just be saying shes Bi b/c shes attracted to both sexes physically. and sometimes at your age its 'cool' to be Bi & some people do it just to do it, simply for a trendy label. maybe shes just testing the waters & maybe shes not ready to be, or finding out that she may never be, romantically involved with another chick.



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i think you should talk to her as soon as you can to eliminate any false ESP that may be floating in the air, communication is the key, you know, if you want to be absolutely sure what's going on in her head,...you've probably heard that too many times, but it's your best bet than just a hope that everything will be ok, or an overactiive imagination.....talk to her

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I agree that you should talk to her. When things are getting hot and heavy with her and you are sensing a change in her and maybe she's not responding, you could stop and say, "Are you okay? Are we moving too fast for you?" See what she says. If she's like yes, then you could say, "Is it me? Or do you just want to take things slowly? Let's talk about this." If she says things are okay, then keep going. However, if she's not responding, yet says things are okay, I would bring up the subject later by saying you noticed that she seemed uncomfortable with the situation, etc.

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I agree with Ballys, you mentioned that this is her first lesbian relationship so maybe she is just afraid to take this to the next step. When you guys make love, then the relationship becomes real....she maybe afraid of that.


You have to talk to her....you don't want to push. Make sure to let her know exactly how you feel and what you want. Even though she has been with men......don't know if she was physical with them, but this would be her first time with a girl....so technically it is her 'first time'.....maybe she hasn't come to terms with her sexuality.


Communication is the key...........good luck with that



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