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why is he avoiding me? It really hurts!!


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There isn't really a "normal" after a breakup ... not when emotions are still up in the air. If he isn't over the break up then he won't be able to act normal around you. As long as there is no nastiness going on between you then you don't have any cause for concern. Just lay low and let the emotional dust settle. Allow him to feel whatever it is he is feeling with any expectations from him.


will do , i guess i had it backwards, i thought his behavior suggested that he was indeed over it but is just being indifferent

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I can't believe you are asking this. You ended the relationship and he obviously didnt want to.

As he still cares about you he has tried to be your friend - however, his feelings are too strong for you and he is finding it too difficult so he tries to act emotionless in order to cope.

You are making it worse for him by keeping in touch.


Let him go and let him move on.


I'm pretty sure that mentioned many times that i do not contact him at all. any interaction we have is always initiated by him. he offered to help and he called to talk etc. I'm not stopping him from moving on...

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I'm pretty sure that mentioned many times that i do not contact him at all. any interaction we have is always initiated by him. he offered to help and he called to talk etc. I'm not stopping him from moving on...

No... but by responding to his contact, you're stopping you from moving on. Moving on from a bad boyfriend should be your goal.

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The fact of the matter is you're probably asking the wrong question. More along the lines of "how do get him to stop being wishy washy and act the way I want him to act?"


The answer to that is you don't, you don't control the actions of another and if you do I'd recommend you get a puppet instead, because that's really all you're going to have if you have that--not a thinking, feeling human being.


This guy chooses to act the way he does, because it suits him.


Another serious question to ask yourself is why are you in contact at all with someone whose actions you don't like. That's just a lose lose all the way around, and the bottom line is none of us can tell you how to make another person treat you better or the way you want. You can answer that question far better than we can, because you're the one who was dating the guy.


We aren't in his head. We aren't able to see the whole picture. All I can tell you is what I know, wasting time trying to figure out "why" to something you feel is irrational and they don't or won't change is just that, a waste of your time.


Make your own choices and stick to them rather than being wishy washy yourself or you'll drive yourself around the bend trying to changes others choices or actions.


You chose to break up with the guy, because of the very way he is now as a friend. Why are you surprised by that?

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eh hes playing games, sounds like a drama queen to me. Guys like when they feel like they have power over someone else, and you accepting to hang out with him and still talking to him when he looks away like he "doesnt care", is him making himself feel dominant in a way

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