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Suicidal Feeling Lonely and Unloved


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I still stand by the fact he needs to be supportive. I'm not suggesting he be her counselor either. If he is exhausted then maybe he should leave and let her find somebody more understanding.


Loli: You need to get medication if you don't have any or a med change. You need therapy. You can't go about this alone. You need outside resources and if you are unhappy with your boyfriend nothing is stopping you from leaving, there are behavioral health case workers that can help you get out and be on your own. Do you have family support of any kind?

You need to stop relying on your boyfriend to fix things when he clearly is no longer there for you.


Yes I can see from his point of view it is wearing on him not by any means your fault. It's just not easy when somebody doesn't have a mental illness to understand where you are coming from. I also understand you can't work, are you on disability? That would help you out a lot along with the job you currently have.


There is always something you can do to get better. It won't be overnight or a quick fix but be patient it will get better, like anything else you need to work at it.



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I still stand by the fact he needs to be supportive. I'm not suggesting he be her counselor either. If he is exhausted then maybe he should leave and let her find somebody more understanding.


Exactly. Being stuck in a jaded, loveless relationship is not going to do anyone's mental health any good. Precisely the opposite in fact.

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