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41 year old male lover not interested in sex?


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Rejection by females, molestation, porn addiction, former sex addict, hes actually gay, its physically uncomfortable to have sex, He physically cheated on someone and felt guilty, Or he just simply doesnt enjoy it.

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had our baby 5 days ago

Only five days ago? From a purely health aspect it is usually strongly advised NOT to have sex for at least 6-8 weeks after giving birth ...(well, at least that's how it was in the "good ol' days"). Your body (internally) needs time to heal. Focus on your newborn. There's plenty of time for sex.

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Obviously this has a lot to do with it. Relax and just enjoy affection for now rather than demanding sex right before and after birth. Try not to be so insecure about it. Is he loving/helpful in other ways?

had our baby 5 days ago
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What ? Ur first born child has 1 week old and you are mad because hes not having sex with you ?!


Sleepless nights + new lifestyle + father + ajusting to the fact you are now a mother


Give the dam man a break!!!

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