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new at this... please help


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hi. i am 13 years old and i think i know how to masterbate. i tried it, but i don't know what is supposed to happen. are u supposed to feel something around ur hips? like something sucking on it (inside)? i feel that, but i never been able to actually "come".... i'm always forced to stop because it kinda hurts (only done it like 3 times) and i always have to somehow piss after i "masterbate". but when i piss, i see blood. is this normal? if not, how can i fix it? am i doing anything wrong?


EDIT: i'm a boy

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I am also a guy, a teenager who masturbate. I dont know your tehnique to tell you if your doing it right.


There are many methods.


About the blood and the feeling I am not too sure about it, try seeing a doctor about it, and if your embarased toi say you masturbate to one or that your wanting to try typeing whats happening to you in a search engine, using key words and try to find an answer that way.


It will come to you eventually.

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think ur doing something wrong, masturbation is about discovering your body, you should start touching very gently using just your hands and fingers wrapped around it until u are erect then just slide the skin back and fro, if you have a foreskin are you pulling it back, this isn't neccesary to masturbate.

I appreciate you don't want to talk to a doctor yet but it would be good if you can, make up something like a tummy ache as an excuse to go and don't worry, they really have heard it all before, i once managed to get my (very tight) foreskin permanently stuck and had to go to hospital where a male nurse had to manipulate it back!


if you manage to masturbate like that a few times without discomfort, and dont bleed, eventually you will feel hot and feel like you need to pee, then go a bit faster and you will have your first orgasm


if you would like to discuss more private message me or chat on yahoo, same for anyone else who needs help like this

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you could not masturbate for a while and see if you see any blood, then masturbate and see if you see any blood, but either way if you see blood, you should see a doctor. It's called hematuria. (blood in urine) If you can't say "Mom I need to see a doctor because there's blood in my piss after I masturbate" call a teen help line or call your doctor yourself.

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  • 3 weeks later...

hey kid u need to go to the doc. Totally make something-up to tell ur mom, but the doc has to keep what u tell him confidential... I mean thats not a good thing there so just tell your mom whatever, but go sooner rather than later, because if there is a problem, it is ussally easier to cure the sooner it is caught and diagnosed. so I mean I know ur probably embarrassed to tell the doc about it, but masturbation is a normal healthy thing and everyone does it. Might wanna request a male doc though lol...

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