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True friends...are you short of them?

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it's kind of funny, many people have many friends, however, how many can say that they have true friends. True friends that will be there with you when you need comfort and help. I'm not sure if this is ture, but the older you get, it seems that the harder it is you find true friends.


From what i notice, highschool is the perfect time to make life long friends. Just wondering how many people out there have tru friends...contrary to most people believes, trues friends are actually the easiest friends the meet and make...correct me if i'm wrong...

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I think true friends are meant easier if you are of a true self to you and others. Say what you mean and mean what you say.


The reasons why true friends get difficult when you are older, because we tend to learn how to talk to different type of people and select our languages well enough for small talks or conversational purposes. And thus in a certain ways we limit ourselves to open ourselves up at a certain age.


But that doesnt mean that you dun meet true friends at a later age.


On the contrary, if you do notice how those grannys in the neighbourhood pick up conversations with their neighbours, some in fact find true friends at that age, because of loneliness and the learnt ability to adapt to different people.


If what you says does matter to others, they dun matter. If what of you doesnt matter to them, they do matter.

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I agree with the previous poster on selecting our own preference. I also feel that the social front is a barrier to true friendship. You know, they talk about things that's going on in the world and all these purposeless talks that they cannot influence.


Nowadays, there are old friends whom i once thought they're true friends who easily gets jealous over things i acquire. I often reflect upon it, whether I did not handle thing well enough. It just saddens me that lately there are no new true friends and that old friends are leaving the "true friend" category one by one. It's hard.

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I have maybe 10 or so true friends, and over 50 school friends. True friends I would say aren't hard to make, as any friends are, but it's time and there has to be chemistry. You have to like getting along with that person and talking with them. But besides that, it's important after high school to stay in contact with them, which can sometimes be very hard.

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I know what you mean. They say High school are the best years of your life for making something of yourself and making life times friends. (Well thats what I always get told)


However that really depends on the person. I think true friends are ones who will always back you up.


I have one friend in particular called Shaz. She's my bestest friend ever. I hope that we will be friends for life and don't grow apart after school.

We have loads in common, music, films, food ect ...


I think true friends are hard to come by as you get older so if you true friends now keep them!



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I just wanna let you know, i think the older you get the more "true" friends you get.


At least, thats in my case. I make good friends each year and they never go away, even if i move! Also, ive found once you meet good, true friends youll see how many friends THEY have who are genuinely good people. Its like a club. Youll meet them and become good friends as well.


My advice is just keep genuine, caring, supportive people around you. Its like your team. As you go through life you can keep recruiting people to join the team, but make sure they are good people

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hajimaji , im sorry but i dont agree, maybe you think they are true friends because you dont know them as well. I think its VERY hard to find a TRUE FRIEND at all. No one is perfect but people who seem to be a true friend will tear you apart and you wont even notice. I dont really consider to have any true friends right at the moment as the one who I DID consider a true friend ended up a backstabber and just comepletely an overall terrible person. This has happened with my 2 closest friends over the last 3 years. But there are good people out there I just cant imagine 10 true friends ettc...

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To be honest I agree with SaSaRai

A good true friend is someone you know very well. Someone you can go you for advice someone who can come to you for advice.


a true friend is loyal and supportive. Everyone is different. Some people are very good at making friends and others aren't. Those that aren't (like me for example) keep the true friends they have.


True friends are hard to come by thats why I think if you have a true friend you should always treasure their friendship.



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Sometimes true friends are almost impossible to find. @_@


I'm not sure true friends are easier to find in high school. I met some great people in secondary school and I honestly thought they would be my best friends forever but they were still changing, and as soon as they hit the late-teen life of alcohol and boys, they drifted away a bit. As soon as I really needed them... suddenly where were they?


Now at uni it's even harder, because in a new environment people put on facades a lot of the time and it's difficult to really get to know people. I'm kind of lacking true friendship in my life at the moment. I think that in order to find these sorts of friendships, you have to be willing to give an awful lot. You have to sow a lot of good seeds, and really reach out to people with all the warmth in your heart. And then, gradually, they will begin to respond in the same way.


I think that's sort of how people work. You get what you give.


If you ever manage to find a true friend, hold on tight and don't ever let them go! Somebody like that is too valuable to lose.

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I can count the number of true friends I have on one hand...and I love them each to death. Friends are so important in getting through the little obstacles of life. It's great to know there are people who stand behind me, and who I can lean on for support during troubled times. I was burned VERY badly in the past by my best friend, and it took me years to trust again. Now that I've learned how to finally open up, I've found mature people who I know will be friends for life.

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darn, i so agree with the previous 4 posters. You guys are basically describing my life.


But lets not talk about the things we cannot control. I think we have the chance sometimes, but we tend to pick who to get to know better. I definitely do think that picking who to know better is an obstacle to getting to know more true friends.

In my experience, friends will compare with you A LOT. If you're better off than they are, depending on the person, they'll be hostile to you. So i think that we must find someone who are less flawed in the first place to maintain that friendship. As long as they can respect differences, they can be good friends.

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I agree with spirits away! True friends are hard tocome by. They appreciate you for who you are and not what you have.


True friends are those who are hapy for you and do things for you without doing anything return.


If you have a true friend keep him/her. Friends are there when you need a shoulder to cry on or someome you can go to for advice. They keep your secrets and are there when you need a laugh.



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I have 1.


My cat Silver.


So sad.


Over time my close friends have either moved away, or are now married and starting families and have new priorities in life. I have tried to get closer with some casual friends that I have, but I meet a lot of resistance. The already have their circle of longtime friends, and there just doesn't seem to be room for 1 more.


I am growing tired of trying.

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I have a true friend and I thank god everyday for him. He's 3 years younger then me but we have the most kickass relationship ever. I swear he's like a little brother to me, I have 3 older sisters and am the only boy. For years I never realized that this friend of mine was the brother I never had only that we are best friends. We know everything about eachother, we share everything there are no secrets between us. We share what we ask. Not saying we know everything about eachother but if one of us were to ask something the other one would give an honest answer. I've known him for 15+ years and I hope we stay friends for life because if it werent for our friendship who knows where we both would be right now.

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One of my friends is Eddie. Eddie is my guinea-pig. I know it sounds crazy but when I pick him up and hold him he listens carefully and watches me with great anticipation (I think I spelt that wrong )

You can just see by the way he watches you and with the glint in his eye that he's listening. I love Eddie, I wouldn't be without him


Anyway, I hope that my best friend at school (who's not an animal unless she's eating ) will never grow apart because we are like sisters in a way. We have loads in common and have wicked phone call convos!


Friends are forever,



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Eddie is my guinea-pig. I know it sounds crazy but when I pick him up and hold him he listens carefully and watches me with great anticipation (I think I spelt that wrong )


MG, you spelled that exactly right.


You can meet true friends at any stage of life. I met mine AFTER college. Part of it is that you meet true friends when YOU are truly being yourself. That's the only way friendships last. If you are being yourself, and they are being themselves, and everything clicks - then you're friends forever.


That doesn't mean you'll always BE together, because things change in life. But when you get together, it's like they know you and you know them and it's *easy.*


So make friends in high school, make friends in college -- just keep making them, 'cause you never know who is going to turn out to be a wonderful true friend. 8)


Oh- and sometimes true friends develop over time. One of my best friends is from another culture, so it took us awhile to learn how to talk easily with each other, but now we do and it's great! I share so much with her!

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i wish i could be like that with this one friend, we are very close but... somethign sprits away said makes me realise that maybe we are jelous of eachother....


He is jelous of my friends and wealth , and im sort of jelous of his body but also mad how he acts and always gets away with everything. He is 14 and all he wants to do is get a girlfriedn so he can get her pregnant and have a kid - which is very bothering to me since im christian. So he works his body all the time which makes me sort of jelous cuz he always shows it off. I cant show mine off because I feel that I am too hairy (im not all that bad but still).



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what SaSaRai just said made a lot of sense. I think that jealousy might be a problem I have with Shazraiya. Her mum and dad both don't work due with health issues so she doesn't get pocket money. I do.


I think the problem we are facing is competition. Who's got the best stuff and that shouldn't be the case.



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the best thing in my opinon is to try and talk about it, and if the jelousy is fixable then the 2 of you should maybe "compromise" ..... and little compromising can take things a long way. I dunno if that has anything to do with whasts going on but its a suggestion.

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For someone under 20, I applaud your perception about what consitutes a true friend. You couldn't be more accurate....a "TRUE" friend is someone who accepts you, with all your faults; is there for you in good times and bad times; and who is never jealous when good things happen to you and not them; and who can be trusted not to discuss with others the personal information you share with them. My "truest" friends are those that I made in high school....friendships that are now over 20 plus years old. As an adult, I learned through experience that it is much harder to find true friends.

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