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Is it possible?

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It is possible to spot while pregnant. You have to be very aware that pregnancy mimics the same side effects that menstruation causes. Breast tenderness, cramps, spotting, fatigue, etc.


Heavy flow of blood is not common during a normal pregnancy so if its a heavy flow I wouldn't really consider myself being pregnant. If it is a light flow/spotting- I would take a test just incase. One can never be too sure!


Good luck in whatever it is you wish it to be.

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If you are on a contraceptive, like the pill, and (heaven forbid) do fall pregnant, you could carry on having your period for at least 2 x months, before even realising your could be pregnant. It's happened a few times that I know about.

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Well here's another one, my sister in-law is adopting a baby, the mother is a career woman, unwed (not that that matters) but doesn't want the child, and did not even know she was pregnant until the 7th month!!! I don't know how that is possible, but they say it's true. The baby was born monday, a healthy little girl, but the mother forced the hospital to deliver the baby by c-section 6 weeks premeture, and with her under full anesthesia, as she did not want any part of it.


Geeeez, some people.....

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