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Men. Getting your heart broke for the 1st time.

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Maybe some men seem less supporting because they themselves are the type who "can move on so easily", so they don't relate as well, or are less empathetic.


From my experience, guys are more likely to be brief and say things like "oh man, that sucks", and rarely bring it up on their own again, or to check in with you as time goes on to see how you're doing. Women seem to follow up and check your progress ... and are more apt to discuss things in depth.


Just my experience.


I do have a friend in AA now, from what I can tell he gets a lot of support from everyone, male and female. I think that's a little different maybe though, or at least viewed differently...

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Getting your heart broken for the first time is a step closer to becoming a real man. What do you guys think about that statement?

My opinion is that its crap. The "man" that treated me like a party favor said it was due to the fact that he was still recovering from his 1.5yr heart break. I think he was a chicken little baby and couldn't handle the responsibility of his actions.

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Getting your heart broken for the first time is a step closer to becoming a real man. What do you guys think about that statement?


after reading CarnelianButterfly's post (#30), i would have to conclude that it affects different people in different ways; but i swear to you guys, it cured my road rage. i guess it has to do with the post-breakup bitterness/insight ratio...?
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hmmm.....guess my breakup has also made me realize that there some nice qualities in me like being very faithful and all, committed and blah. Anyways not bragging about it......did take loads crap, also made mistakes and what not.


We males should have loads of female friends, it would help understand more of the other kind.


hey i still love girls.....there are just lots of them out there.

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I think you have a point, I think a lot of men are not as deeply emotional as women, and can have an easier time moving on (generally speaking of course). But I also think women have more outlets (primarily other women they can relate to), as guys don't tend to support each other as well when a guy friend is down after a heartbreak. Most of the support I've ever gotten has been from women (be it in my family or female friends). Guys will just take you out for a beer or try to get you to go to a strip club and say "dude get over it". Yes I'm completely generalizing here of course...


I think you have a point too, I've often heard my guy friends express that same view.

I end up being one of the female friends that they can vent to and feel heard and accepted by.

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I think you have a point too, I've often heard my guy friends express that same view.

I end up being one of the female friends that they can vent to and feel heard and accepted by.


On behalf of the heartbroken you have supported, thank you!

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