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I'm not even done with day two of no communication and my ex is already texting me with things like, "Are you trying to make me worry?"


Now I might be at fault for not telling her, "Hey, I need a break from communication." And I feel that I might go overboard if I continue to ignore her because even after the break up we still texted. I just don't want to break it already and have to start all over again. But she's the insecure emotional type and maybe she needs to know, it's not beyond her to think thoughts like I might be DEAD if I don't talk to her. She's still texting me like right now and I'm holding off talking to her. HELP.

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Tell her you will be taking a long break from communication in order to heal and that you will not be responding to anymore of her texts. If she continues to freak out it's really not your problem. She can figure out how to get a handle on her own emotional insecurity; as it's not your job to make her feel better. She dumped you now she can deal with not having you in her life, just as you have to come to terms with her leaving the relationship.

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You did the right thing. I asked my person to at least let me know he was alive. No response. It was extremely hurtful. When you care about someone and don't know if they're dead or alive. All I wanted was to know he was ok. If he said yes I'm alive please stop texting. I would have Respected that and stopped. I stopped anyone but why couldn't he just tell me he was ok?

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Thanks. I'm starting over again I guess but this time I'm focusing on myself.


@JulianAR, don't be too hard on yourself. You didn't break NC for any particular reason other than to let her know what you are doing before she blows up and does something harmful. It's okay to break NC when it comes to that.


You did the right thing by letting her know. That should be the end of it from here on. You already did what you had to. Stay strong, keep up with the no contact. You have to ignore the rest and yes blocking would be a good idea.

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You did the right thing. I asked my person to at least let me know he was alive. No response. It was extremely hurtful. When you care about someone and don't know if they're dead or alive. All I wanted was to know he was ok. If he said yes I'm alive please stop texting. I would have Respected that and stopped. I stopped anyone but why couldn't he just tell me he was ok?


@dragonfly31, to ease your mind, he's probably okay. He's been fine all this time, I don't think that's going to change just because you haven't heard from him. It's pretty normal not to hear from your ex after a breakup.


I'm sorry but all you want is a response from your ex boyfriend more than to know if he's okay. Stop thinking about him, I know it's hard and easier said than done but you have to. For your emotional and mental health sake.


Just out of curiosity, what would you do if he answers with NO and what would you do if he answers with Yes? Probably not much you could do right? Except the fact that you are going to repeat this same how are you doing text a few days or even a week from now. Let it go, it will benefit you in the end.

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