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Attracted to 20yr older boss


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Been working with this company since past 2 yrs, situation haven't changed. I still like my boss, i still blush when he talks to me, i still act super happy and secured when he is in the office near me and feels & act dull when he's not around. He in return, looks equally fascinated and attracted to me. He compliments me often about how i perform my job, he compliments me on how i look, what i wear, my hair, my this and that.

About him, he is Managing Director of my company, in his 40s, married, having 2 cute kids. About me, i am already committed since past 4yrs, love eachother a lot, about to get married.

Off late, my boss has complimented me a lot on my looks and the way i handle clients/ vendors. I have never seen him complimenting any other employee like this. He recently during some client visit, asked many things about my personal life and was very much furious and attentive to know about my personal things which i shared with equal attentive-ness. He often tries to find ways to spend more time together. I dont want but somehow i completely get hypnotised in his talks and thought.

Its not a 1 way but clearly 2 way attraction that i am unable to resist.

I really dont want to spoilt my sorted love life coz of this temperory attraction and i am sure he has no plans to hurt his married life by any mean. But then he should not flirt around with me like this. Sometime i feel he only wants my attention to have some days fun but then he doesnt look that bad kind of a man. He is a family man, always well behaved, an ideal husband kind of material as far as i know him. But then this mutual attraction doesnt make him or me look good by any mean.

I cant afford to lose this job cause its the best job and company i've ever worked with, best lenient and easy to-go boss with good payscale and perks. And leaving such a good company for this stupid attractions doent look worth in my eyes. I gave a lot of thought to deal with this, but then i cant help out. I am attracted to this man, he is attracted to me, i cant leave my job, i cant compromise my love life.

Any suggestion to deal with this messy situation?

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You have a crush on your boss. Join the like 2 billion other women.


Go through with your marriage. Don't bang your boss. You should be golden.


If you're worried there may be deeper implications for your relationship, step up the premarital counseling.

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How about you do your job and stop with the personal chats? If he asks anything about your personal life, you give a brief vague response and make it clear you no longer want to overstep boundaries. By the same token you no longer ask him questions about his private life. It's really easy, IF you want it to be!

Of course he'll flirt, many bosses will try only because they know they are in a position of power and can get away with it. It's up to YOU to set the boundaries, which you haven't been doing. You are playing with fire and you'll get burned. Who do you think will have to suffer when all this falls apart? Not him, he's the boss. It will be you, you will lose your job and probably your boyfriend too. Is it worth it, just so you can be a temporary side piece?

It's all within your control. Make no mistake, all he wants is sex, it has nothing to do with feelings. You say he's not that kind of person, but I beg to differ because he acts inappropriately and exactly like *that* kind of person.

Be smart and don't be the mistress, hopefully you respect yourself more than that and you respect your boyfriend enough not to cause him this kind of hurt and shame.

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How about you do your job and stop with the personal chats? If he asks anything about your personal life, you give a brief vague response and make it clear you no longer want to overstep boundaries. By the same token you no longer ask him questions about his private life. It's really easy, IF you want it to be!

Of course he'll flirt, many bosses will try only because they know they are in a position of power and can get away with it. It's up to YOU to set the boundaries, which you haven't been doing. You are playing with fire and you'll get burned. Who do you think will have to suffer when all this falls apart? Not him, he's the boss. It will be you, you will lose your job and probably your boyfriend too. Is it worth it, just so you can be a temporary side piece?

It's all within your control. Make no mistake, all he wants is sex, it has nothing to do with feelings. You say he's not that kind of person, but I beg to differ because he acts inappropriately and exactly like *that* kind of person.

Be smart and don't be the mistress, hopefully you respect yourself more than that and you respect your boyfriend enough not to cause him this kind of hurt and shame.


I'll try my best to work on your suggestions. Thanks

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