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I just want to write a little something about myself.


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Hey I just wanted to say something. Well haven't you all noticed that the older you get the less time you have to spend time with your friends and even have fun when you want to. Ok what happens is that each time that things are going good for a little while something along the way comes and messes everything up. Even on a day off from work when I just want to relax and take things easy before I need to be at work the next day my mother starts complaining and doing all this stuff to annoy me and just to ruin my day and make me feel bad about things that have happened. By the way to everyone I work a schedule of 6 days a week and only get one day off a week soon I will be working a 7 day week as all you might know that's a whole week working 7 days a week without taking a day off just so I can go to prom and pay for all of it myself. Well I could say that my life sucks and that its miserable as some of you might say. Ya I do have a car and that one thing to look forward to and ya I do have a girlfriend who loves me very much but sometime could be very annoying herself. Sometimes I feel like my life has no meaning anymore. I feel like I just want to get in my car and escape from all of this but then I always come back to the real world and tell myself were am I gone go. I don't have a lot of money and without a job you are a nobody. Well I hope that someone can hear me out with this post I just wanted to write something to get all my feelings out. For some reason I didn't want to talk to my girlfriend about all these things so I figure why not try it on enotalone maybe some of you guys could actually make me feel better about everything that is going on or maybe someone out there is in the same situation as I am in right now. Well guys thanks for hearing me out.

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wow. sounds like u have a really nice car. lol back to the topic... sorry...

i really hope things get better for you, seems like ur just going through a tough time right now, i could be wrong. theres a time in everyones life where it seems like its going nowhere but you just gotta let it go nowhere to see that it really is going somewhere, do u understand that at all? *Shrugs* i dont know sorry im not too good good with this stuff.




xsigned with lovex


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hey - well it seems like ur in quite the funk. Of course everyone has these. I myself am in the same situation. For some reason hearing your story made me realize that yes - there is hope - and yes, although life sucks and it can be HARD work - there is always a pay off. Your right, you need a break. Take one! I'm sure you can get a day off work for one day, and instead of partying, just relax, spend some time with yourself. Or have a relaxing evening with friends. You have so much to look forward to: PROM! Graduating! Summer! Getting into the real world! Let your girlfriend be there for you, and if she is just bringing you down - you know what to do. Yeh it's gonna be a long road, but once you get there, it'll be quite the acomplishment! Good luck!

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I don't have a lot of money and without a job you are a nobody.


Really? You know that's a lie don't you? Society propogates that because if people realised the truth then certain 'institutions' would cease to exist.


I'd be very careful if you fall into the trap of valuing yourself by how much money you make or what job you do.


Other people may judge you on how rich you are or what you do to feed yourself BUT that doesn't mean they're right to do so.


Sometimes I feel like my life has no meaning anymore. I feel like I just want to get in my car and escape from all of this but then I always come back to the real world and tell myself were am I gone go.


You presumed your life did have meaning at some point?


What was that meaning you feel you've lost?


Why do you work so much?


By the way to everyone I work a schedule of 6 days a week and only get one day off a week soon I will be working a 7 day week as all you might know that's a whole week working 7 days a week without taking a day off just so I can go to prom and pay for all of it myself.


Is the 'prom' really worth it? Seriously when you go to this 'prom' ask yourself was it worth all the suffering you've gone through to get yourself there.


You seem to be looking for some sort of pat on the back for working long hours - well, you chose to work such hours that's up to you.


You see some people choose to work a little so they avoid stress and have more free time but they pay by not having much money to spend on 'things'.


Other people work a lot so they might have lots of money to spend on 'things' but they pay for it with stress and suffering.


Both sets of people can 'work hard' despite how many hours they actually choose to work.


Now here's the odd thing - there seems to be some sort of 'culture of disdain' for those who choose to work less for more free time. For some reason some people look down on those who trade the benefits of increased money for increased free time.


Odd don't you think?


I feel that you're suffering from wanting too much 'stuff' - you need more money than you can sell your time for which means you've lost almost all your free time. Perhaps you under value your free time or over value the 'stuff' you spend your money on (or both)?


Anyway... could you cut back on how much you work if you only had to make enough to survive?


What do you live for?


Work to live? Or live to work?


Your lack of meaning in your life seems to have been answered with "the desire to make money at the expense of your well being".



Just some thoughts for you to think about anyway.

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