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He only texts???


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Started talking to a guy online and we've been texting for about two weeks. He seems very nice and sweet. Except, today he asked me what plans I have today. I said I don't have any so far and asked if he did? I saw he read my text and waited almost 2 hours to respond which he never did before. Before this instance, I could see he read my texts and he would respond quickly. When he finally responded, he said he wasn't doing anything now and might go out later. I'm annoyed because I let him know I was free and clearly he didn't have plans, so why didn't he ask me out? I've been wondering why he hasn't asked me out yet at this point as it is because it's been 2 weeks of texting, he hwasn't even asked to do a phone call yet! One issue I have with this is that if he didn't want to go out , why didn't he make up a good excuse to tell me instead of telling me he isn't doing anything and maybe will go out later?


I have not taken initiative because I want to see what a man's intentions are and how serious he is about dating and finding a special someone. I guess this shows me he is just lazy and bored? I just don't understand this kind of behavior though and what's going on in his head, should I wait longer or cut him loose?

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No one who is so delicate that they would "freak out" at the suggestion of meeting, belongs on dating apps.


I think he is multidating and keeping you in a holding pattern and had another date lined up. Cut him loose, 2 weeks of texting is wasting time.

I got the feeling that he thought I was trying to hint at us getting together today and perhaps he even freaked out
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No one who is so delicate that they would "freak out" at the suggestion of meeting, belongs on dating apps.


I think he is multidating and keeping you in a holding pattern and had another date lined up. Cut him loose, 2 weeks of texting is wasting time.



That's just my speculation though. I have no idea.

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Started talking to a guy online and we've been texting for about two weeks. He seems very nice and sweet. Except, today he asked me what plans I have today. I said I don't have any so far and asked if he did? I saw he read my text and waited almost 2 hours to respond which he never did before. Before this instance, I could see he read my texts and he would respond quickly. When he finally responded, he said he wasn't doing anything now and might go out later. I'm annoyed because I let him know I was free and clearly he didn't have plans, so why didn't he ask me out? I've been wondering why he hasn't asked me out yet at this point as it is because it's been 2 weeks of texting, he hwasn't even asked to do a phone call yet! One issue I have with this is that if he didn't want to go out , why didn't he make up a good excuse to tell me instead of telling me he isn't doing anything and maybe will go out later?


I have not taken initiative because I want to see what a man's intentions are and how serious he is about dating and finding a special someone. I guess this shows me he is just lazy and bored? I just don't understand this kind of behavior though and what's going on in his head, should I wait longer or cut him loose?


I have the same problem as you, met someone online and have been texting for 3 weeks but he still won't ask me to call him. He'll either text or snapchat me all day everyday. Like you I've given him many opportunities to ask me out. At this point I just backed off to see what I his true intentions are. I guess wait a little longer to see what happens?

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Move on if this bothers you so much. People seem to get so upset when a person does not reply to a text almost immediately. How do you know he wasn't busy helping someone, having a nap, watching tv etc? Not every slow response means a person isn't interested in you! Also, ask him if you are really wanting to know.

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I would personally be disappointed. Two weeks is quite a long time to text and not be asked to meet. Normally it's only days. Maybe he's not as interested, or more than likely, he is multi-dating and when you asked what he was doing that evening, he wanted to see if someone else was busy or not before answering you.

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When I did online dating my hardcore rule finally got to be two weeks max, and then only IF they or I had a very solid reason why it took that long. Also I found do not text and chat all day long, because first of all don't y'all have a life? I mean, who the heck has time for that?


When a guy texted me all day all that told me was he doesn't work or if he does he won't as soon as the boss realizes how much he's slacking off texting girls all day when he should be working. (Laughs)


Also it is okay to ask them out too, you don't have to wait beyond a couple of days once you've established that you both seem interested. A simple, "So let's go out tomorrow night," or "let's go for coffee" if you're like me and it's safety first and then make plans. If he hems or haws or has excuses, stands you up, can't get it together enough to make that first date within a couple of days unless again there is a very good, very verifiable reason it's time to move on.


If they freak out about being asked when you're going to date then you tell them, "What part of being on a "dating" app do you not understand?" then block and delete them.


I posted on this before. You have time wasters who will happily string you along for weeks for whatever reason, but the guys who truly want to date someone and are looking to meet people will not delay or hem and haw, they'll jump at any chance they get to take you out.


This guy is a waste of time. Block and delete him and move on. There's a reason people stall on meeting, never a good one. Time to move on.

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