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Experience at Overcoming Depression?

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Hey ENAs,


so I've been seeing a therapist now. I've been diagnosed with depression.

The therapy hasn't really started yet actually, there are 5 trial sessions and I've been on three. After the first session, I felt quite relieved because the therapist took me seriously and I felt like I wasn't judged because of everything that I've told her.

After the third one, somehow I feel worse... I don't know why.


The thing is, I do really want to get better and get out from this. But, there are days where I just feel very very bad. I mean, I kind of numb and can hardly feel any emotions. I just know that I feel so empty, sad, despair or sometimes angry inside, but I just don't really feel it or express it. I lost all of my motivation and don't see any sense of life anymore. I can't even feel any love feeling even for my family. This scares me....


Has anyone experienced any CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) before? Did it really help? And how do you help yourself beside the therapy session?


I don't have any motivation to talk to people, even to get out. Because to me right now, it really doesn't make sense.

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Did you get a physical check up as well to rule out other causes? Are you on medication? Talk therapy helps but it takes a while and is often used in combination with medication, if necessary. It can help you sort out all the family problems by giving you better coping tools, but it only helps if you are willing to make the necessary changes.

I've been seeing a therapist now. I've been diagnosed with depression. Has anyone experienced any Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
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Healthy diet, bit of regular exercise, some enjoyable hobbies, and something which brings you a sense of self-esteem is always a good start. Especially the exercise bit, it releases endorphins. Mild depression like this IMHO results from a kind of blockage in your body of the right chemicals, namely seratonin and dopamine, and possibly adrenalin as well.


I've been depressed, and can get so. I always find a good jog and some press-ups helps, followed by a good meal and then slinging on some music I enjoy. It's about rediscovering your humanity.


However, if you are severely clinically depressed, then that's a different story. If all the above doesn't work, then maybe you are.


Edit - also, the weather can cause depression, as in seasonal affective disorder. I get that.

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Sometimes we feel bad because things that we don't want to look at are uncovered. Therapy can sometimes provide challenges to our normal mindset and coping mechanisms that we have to break through. I agree - along with therapy, I would see a nutritionist. If you have unknown food sensitivities or are just not getting the nutrients you need, it will contribute to depression. Taking a walk every day also helps. I am not saying walking cures depression but if your depression is situational, etc, not getting excercise exacerbates it. Also, seeing a regular doctor to test your thyroid levels is a good idea, too


Also, it might be a good idea to pinpoint when you started to feel depresssed. Has it been all your life or the past little while?

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It's a journey, and the road is rough and uncertain. But I found therapy to be very helpful. Also, diet and exercise work wonders. You may have ups and downs with depression, but you will gain techniques for dealing with it as long as you are committed to the effort.

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Allow for the times when therapy makes you feel worse instead of better. Think of it like any form of cleaning, where you make a bigger mess before you clear it all up.


Therapy isn't like a car wash where we come out all shiny and new--it's work. It's also worth it.


Consider getting as much exercise as you possibly can. It changes your chemical balance and helps you release stress.


I hope you'll write more if it helps, and stay in touch. You're brave and smart for seeking the help. Keep on going, no matter how lousy you feel sometimes. You will thank yourself later.

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I'm not yet on medication, as I still have to go to the doctor too, check up and stuffs.


Catfeeder, yeah I've just got an information that it's something like... when you want to tidy up your messy wardrobe, you should take all of what's inside and make a huge mess first before putting it back on the right places.


But my main question is... how can you start anything when you don't even have any motivation? It's weird though, I never lost great interest of anything like this before. Like you don't see the point of keep going on. Even what excites normal people like friendship and even sex just don't excite me anymore... I don't know how to build all of the motivations and sense of life again. Any thoughts?

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I'm not yet on medication, as I still have to go to the doctor too, check up and stuffs.


Catfeeder, yeah I've just got an information that it's something like... when you want to tidy up your messy wardrobe, you should take all of what's inside and make a huge mess first before putting it back on the right places.


But my main question is... how can you start anything when you don't even have any motivation? It's weird though, I never lost great interest of anything like this before. Like you don't see the point of keep going on. Even what excites normal people like friendship and even sex just don't excite me anymore... I don't know how to build all of the motivations and sense of life again. Any thoughts?


This is the feedback your therapist needs in order to monitor any medication or other assigned treatments. Understand also that emotions follow behavior, not the other way around. If you wait to 'feel' motivated before engaging behaviors designed to anchor you in new habits, then you'll wait for a very long time.


It's the whole "fake it 'til ya make it" thing. I've found it helpful to reconnect with friends and family by making it about them, not me. My goal isn't to bring them into my problem, but rather to share my time with them to bring my focus out of my problem. So my goal became one of extending myself and creating great memories 'for them' while I'm unable to enjoy them as I would wish. Over time, this focus ends up creating fabulous memories for me as well, because I've taken myself out of nursing my own stuff.


I skipped the self motivation thing for a while, and I did the opposite of drop out of everyone else's life. Instead, I got back in there and I offered my help in every way--their errands, their lawn work, their projects, their interests--and I was motivated by feeling generous and productive rather than pulling a sheet over my head under the guise of not wanting to bring anyone else down.


When you stop digging a deeper hole to climb out of, and you just start climbing instead, you'll surprise yourself with how simple extending yourself beyond yourself can be, and this will build its own motivation over time.


Head high.

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