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For those w decent computer experience, does browser history only reflect those sites a person inititates contact with by going to?? My bf said these sites sent him things that were on history? I have limited exp w computers but my understanding is browser histpry reflects what places, sites that person visits. He says there old dating accounts in sites he was on before we met and they keep.sending stuff to him..but dont get why it would be on history, i could be wrong so any people who do know pls inform me how.that.works, thanks

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History only shows sites you visit! He's lying.

If they send him mails that's possible but then he'd have to open those mails for it to show up in his browser history.

So if they send mails and he's not interested, why click on them to open them?

He's lying, he's either actively visiting those sites or he's clicking on their mails and then also clearly interested or he wouldn't open the mails

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Yes, pop ups can show up. If he gets notifications from the sites and so much as goes to turn them off it, will show up. Why are you going through his history is there suspicions or problems?

My bf said these sites sent him things that were on history? He says there old dating accounts in sites he was on before we met and they keep.sending stuff to him
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Yes, pop ups can show up. If he gets notifications from the sites and so much as goes to turn them off it, will show up. Why are you going through his history is there suspicions or problems?


I never saw a pop up back in my history, unless you click on it and why would you click on it if you're not interested? If it pops up and you don't want to see it just click on the x and then it doesn't show up in your history!

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Sounds fishy to me. He isn't being truthful.


Depending on the browser he is using you will get different history stored but if they are sending him emails it will never show up in any history on any available browser unless he opened the email and clicked on a woman's profile they sent him to look at.


I have never seen pop ups even show up on a browser history unless you click on them.


To answer your question. Yes he is lying to you and yes he has been checking out profiles on dating sites. He is probably being truthful about the sites still sending him matches but he can always unsubscribe or just mark the email as junk and they will be sent to the junk or spam folder automatically.


He got caught and tried to lie his way out of it. Give him a chance to come clean and then decide what to do.



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Based on this and your previous thread i think he isn't worthy of your trust.

He's shown his true face on two separate issues now so you decide what you want to do, take control of your own life and don't wait around hoping he will change because he won't. If he's lying now he'll always lie cause it's in his nature

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I never saw a pop up back in my history, unless you click on it and why would you click on it if you're not interested? If it pops up and you don't want to see it just click on the x and then it doesn't show up in your history!


Yeah, pop-ups do not show in history.


He's lying. Only sites you visit show up.

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He said these dating sites were before we met and the sites were difficult to know how to close out his account..recrntly he told me i could do it if i could figure it out, i went on and deleted the accounts but several days later his account appesrs still active...he let me go on his tablet to look up something on google and there was a page accidentlaly opened to another persons profile, he said it was an ad and if it bothers me i should just delete it..after seeing this open page, i saw on browser history half a dozen or so links of couple dating sites. I feel like im almost going crazy, he insists those are ads and explained that after we closed his account recently it takes a while maybe up for another week bc thats how those two sites operate? I was joined on a couple sites long time ago before i met him

I closed those after we met and they closed right away, but those were different site. One site i honestly had forgotten i signed up for bc it was so long ago i hadnt closed out bc i didnt reamber i had joined so long ago but that one even tho my profile was technically still active i didnt get all these emails and stuff he does...seems a little strange that hes getting all these emails from those sites if he signed up before we met and hasnt been visiting to look around...my very limited experience w it was after i hadnt visited in a while i stopped getting contacted by the site

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History shows all the sites he visited.

It is possible that an online dating site he used to be on sent him a notification without him requesting it, but if it's in the history it means he did go to the site to check out whatever it was he received.

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It sounds like he's browsing/using dating sites. time to have the exclusivity/boundaries talk.

there was a page accidentlaly opened to another persons profile. i saw on browser history half a dozen or so links of couple dating sites
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Everything he has told you is total BS


When you cancel they send you an email thanking you for using them and usually ask you why you stopped using their service. There is no paperwork to mail, no person that actually deletes the account, it all happens electronically. You may get some lingering emails for a few days but that doesn't mean you have to open them and click on profiles. Also there are ads for everything everywhere. Why are only dating site ads showing up?


This guy is lying on purpose, I take back what I said about giving him a chance to explain. Time to seriously think about ending this and finding someone you can trust.



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I never saw a pop up back in my history, unless you click on it and why would you click on it if you're not interested? If it pops up and you don't want to see it just click on the x and then it doesn't show up in your history!


Yes it does,anything that you ever opened is shown in browsing history. Aditionally,some browsers can help you complete your searches you type in url bar (this can sometimes be confused as "history") etc.

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Yes it does,anything that you ever opened is shown in browsing history. Aditionally,some browsers can help you complete your searches you type in url bar (this can sometimes be confused as "history") etc.


Fail to see your point. I also said you'd have to click on something and you said anything you open.

Yes my point exactly! You have to actively open something or search for something to have it be in your history or your google search history!

So his BS that it's just a pop up is a lie, pop ups don't get in your history unless, again, you open them!

So not sure what you want to say, you seem to disagree but then basically say the same?

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