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How old were you?


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I'm 47 (male) and still a virgin. And NOT because I want to be! It's a long sad story... I'm tall, slim, and (I think) decent-looking, but I've also been a bit of a socially ill-adjusted introvert all my life (until fairly recently). I've been obsessively fascinated with the First Time for the past 20 years, wondering and fantasizing about what it must be like. At my age, I should probably just give up... but I still go on wishing and hoping.


I'm always interested in how people handle their First Time. But... how did you feel afterward? I've always thought I'd spend the day or two afterward just contemplating the experience, and contemplating my new identity as a non-virgin. What was the day after like for all the rest of you?

Hi SquareWheel,


Welcome to EnotAlone.


OK, this is OT, please put it into a new thread in the sex and romance forum. Perhaps call it "Hot 47 year old male needs help donating his virginity".


You will get lot's more of helpful feeback than in this thread.

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I'm always interested in how people handle their First Time. But... how did you feel afterward? I've always thought I'd spend the day or two afterward just contemplating the experience, and contemplating my new identity as a non-virgin. What was the day after like for all the rest of you?


Just like you think it would be - "Wow...I had sex." I couldn't get over it or stop thinking about it.


Don't give up. Just don't make it about losing your virginity - make it about finding someone who's worthy enough that you would allow them to be in your bed. Get yourself out there! Date! Maybe you'll fall in love with someone and you'll be able to go through the rest of your life knowing that you only shared your body with the love of your life.

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  • 4 months later...
When you first had intercourse?


I was 12 with a 28 year old married women.


you guys think thats bad, a 15 year old kid in my school had sex with a 43 year old,yup you read it right...but heres the best part, he said he was soo drunk that he thought she was 14 years old

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I was 16. She was 19. It wasn't the best experience. She was on top, and half way through I lot interest, turned on my tv, and started watching Maury Povich. haha. Memorable story, though. I wish I would have waited for someone who was special to me. But I guess that's how you learn, by living through these things.

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Seventeen and no sex yet. I'm hoping to wait till I'm 40 so I can be like "Yeah, just like that guy from the movie!"


Actually... I'm kind of waiting to fall in love with a Korean girl who doesnt speak English very well. Minus the last part though and you have my girlfriend.


(I'm devoted, just... caught the yellow fever is all).


btw, my GF lost it at 16 to a 19 year old whose had sex with 2-3 others before her.


Virgins represent!!!

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I was 12 the first time I had sex because I wanted to. He was 16. (I actually lost my virginity at a very young age because I was abused but I don't count the abuse as losing my virginity. It was stolen from me.)


As for what the original poster said about being 12 and having sex with a 28 year old...while it's not something that's acceptable, it does happen more often than people realize. We don't know the situation that led to this relationship. If the woman was very lonely and didn't have a man to turn to it's very likely that she did turn to a boy. And what boy/young man wouldn't brag about being with someone older at that age? I'm not saying that this was right. In fact living through what I have I find it very wrong, but if the young man's experience didn't leave him mentally, emotionally, or physically scarred then we should just let it go. It's not like he can go back and undo it. Live and let live.

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This is probably going to be a controversial position, but I really don't see anything wrong with an adult woman being with such a young guy.


In these situations, unlike adult man-underage girl sex rape is effectively ruled out because a guy, of any age, has to be in an aroused state, and thereforeeee willing, to be capable of penetration. Besides, any of us who've ever been a teenage guy will remember how eager and willing he was at that age.


In reference to the original poster's situation, I for one envy guys like him. It seems to me that there's no more perfect way for a young guy to be introduced to sex than by being initiated by an attractive adult woman.


I spent my teens fantasizing about being seduced by an adult woman, and always thought it was an impossible dream. And nowadays it seems to be becomng clear that it's not only happening, but is actually fairly common, and no doubt has been all along.


Can you imagine how frustrating that is for me? The police report on the Debra LaFave case was posted online a while back, and as I read the details of her affair with that 14 year old guy, I just shook my head and asked why, why, why wasn't there a Debra LaFave for me when I was 14.


BTW, I've never had a first time. I'm still a virgin in my 40s.

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