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Met a guy on badoo dating site


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OK so I met this guy on a dating website called badoo. He asked me to take me out and I said yes I gave him my number he texted me last Sunday After that for three days straight he asked to take me out on a date but I couldn't because of certain circumstances and then on Thursday I finally said yes we went on a date we had a good time he took me home the next day Friday we went on a date we had a wonderful time and we went back to his place. I didn't want to have sex because we just met and because I didn't want things to change but of course he seduced me. I asked him will we still see each other afterwards and still feel the same way and he said yes. So he took me home that morning & then later on that night we went on a date and we had a good time and we went back to his place and we did it. The next morning we had sex unprotected. I then made him breakfast. He took me home we texted through out the night and then in the morning we texted a little. I haven't heard from him since yesterday morning. His phone is going to voicemail and I can't find his profile anymore. We were so great together I don't understand what happened. He told me he has a son and his baby mom lives in his house and that he moved away because they didn't work out. While we were together he didn't really answer his phone as much. Not to mention he's 29 years old if he just wanted sex why would he go to great lengths to tell me about his family and tell me other things about him

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Do you want a casual or an exclusive relationship with him?

I asked him will we still see each other afterwards and still feel the same way and he said yes. So he took me home that morning & then later on that night we went on a date and we had a good time and we went back to his place and we did it. The next morning we had sex unprotected.
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why would he go to great lengths to tell me about his family and tell me other things about him

He just wanted sex. It really is that simple.


It sounds like you guys were talking constantly and then the sudden drop off in communication. That's why I don't like texting a whole lot when I first meet someone... It sets a precedent. It's been since yesterday morning and you are wondering what his deal is. You just saw him for the first time this past weekend and it is only Tuesday. This all seems to be moving rather quickly -- it could have scared him or he just wanted sex, who knows. Maybe he is busy. Sharing personal information helps people feel comfortable with one another, that would help someone open up to sex, right?

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I didn't want to have sex because we just met.........The next morning we had sex unprotected.


Whaaattt? You had unprotected sex with a stranger. It's one thing to have protected sex with someone you just met, but you need to respect your body more. I know what's done is done. But seriously, you need to get tested and protect yourself in the future.

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Not to mention he's 29 years old if he just wanted sex why would he go to great lengths to tell me about his family and tell me other things about him


Why wouldn't he? After having unprotected sex with him, what are your plans if that results in an STD, or a pregnancy? And, now that you can't find him, nor get a hold of him, chances are slim to none that you'll ever hear from him again.


Hopefully you'll make better choices if you come out of this without any scars.

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why would he go to great lengths to tell me about his family and tell me other things about him


Who knows? Just because it doesn't make sense to you doesn't mean its inconceivable.


People have their own reasons for doing things. Some people actually enjoy fooling other people. Some people are compulsive. The possibilities are endless, and ultimately unimportant.


Now, you have to get an STD test and a pregnancy test. You also have to figure out a way to avoid getting into this kind of situation again. Don't be so eager to please everybody. Some people don't deserve it.

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