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An ex contacted me years after we broke up


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I'll start from the beginning. My ex I dated in high school has recently contacted me several years after we broke up. We remained friends and once in a blue moon we would say hey How are you to each other. Well out of nowhere he face book me a message asking how I was. I told him I was doing good. I asked how he was and he said not good at all. So I asked what was wrong. He proceeded to tell me about his marital problems. I gave him my number if he wanted to talk instead of face book messages. So he was telling me about what was going on and I was trying to tell him things will work out and be ok. His wife found out and deleted my off his friends list and accused him of stuff when it was completely he hadn't done anything. Well he called me about a week later and apologized about everything and he was asking what should he do. He doesn't know whether to leave or stay. The whole conversation we were having she had called him like 4 or 5 times. She was yelling at him and whatever else. So he told me he'd call me back later on. Well I haven't heard from him since. Which was a few weeks later. I'm just wondering what this whole ordeal was all about. I'm hoping we can remain friends but I don't know of anything at this point. He may have tried to work things out with her.

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There is no reason to get involved in this, he shouldn't be looking for a hook-up or affair under the guise of "my wife doesn't understand me". You can't be his friend right now.


His wife was correct, he should be talking to her, not you... or a counselor or an attorney.

He proceeded to tell me about his marital problems.His wife found out and deleted my off his friends list
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I agree with everyone so far. You should stay out of his marital business and if he contacts you again, tell him its going to get worse at home for him if he keep talking to other women about his relationship issues. Suggest he get marital counseling and then tell him goodbye. Its not like you have been good friends all along and have met his Missus as well.

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Ignore and thank your lucky stars you're not his wife. The Facebook world is weird. I didn't have boyfriends when I was young and I have lost count of the amount of blokes who have contacted me saying they had a huge crush on me at school...and then gone on to attempt entirely inappropriate conversations. One of them in particular has a beautiful wife and children and he sent me properly obscene messages after nothing more than polite chit chat.


Why the hell are all these men confiding in women they barely know, but have had some attraction to in the past at least? If it was my partner I wouldn't like it, would you?

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Why would he even contact me of all people. I feel like he was just trying to see how far he could get with me.


No offense, but why are you even bothering to question why he contacted you? Obviously he's married and up to no good, therefore I would stay out of their marriage...his wife is correct.

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