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Unusual question

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My new job is so much better than my last job. Still a week of training to go. But I'm catching on fast an it's a class with a small group. Here comes the oddness.


My trainer. He's a very attractive man a few years older. Day 2 during a role playing scenerio with me, he out of no where grabs his heart and professes to love me. Shocked I look around the room everyone is shocked he then states he loves a guy and another person in the class presumably to ease the tension he just created. Back to normal training.


Another day he walks in states my name and says I have changed his life. Does the group feel the love? No responses just odd stares from us all, he repeats come on do you feel the love? A few hesitantly agree. He looks me in the eye, smiles and class starts.


I'm keeping my cool as best I can. I did some research his behavior is cultural not crazy as it seems. But I'm really wondering why he's doing this when he has a girlfriend. Those are just the super dramatic things. No way could I list it all.

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Some people are just overly friendly in that way. I've encountered this behavior before with superiors. I'm surprised, though, that has a trainer, HR hasn't pulled him aside to coach him on his overly friendly manner.

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Day 2 during a role playing scenerio with me, he out of no where grabs his heart and professes to love me. Shocked I look around the room everyone is shocked he then states he loves a guy and another person in the class presumably to ease the tension he just created.

Training or not, this is an unprofessional example. I would not tolerate it.


Another day he walks in states my name and says I have changed his life. Does the group feel the love? No responses just odd stares from us all, he repeats come on do you feel the love? A few hesitantly agree. He looks me in the eye, smiles and class starts.

I would speak to your supervisor about this and leave names of witnesses who were apart of the training. If you do not feel comfortable going to a supervisor, then make a call to the next higher up. No corporate will tolerate such behavior because it will mean a lawsuit. This is not appropriate or acceptable behavior in a workplace. I mean, what if you got a boyfriend or are married and he behaves like this to you? It's uncalled for, completely offensive, and very disrespectful either way.


I'm keeping my cool as best I can. I did some research his behavior is cultural not crazy as it seems.

I wouldn't analyze and dismiss this as a cultural thing. In the professional workplace, just flirting itself can open a sexual harassment lawsuit.

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Talk about awkward.


Idk maybe it's some team building stuff who knows. Ask him on the quiet.

Don't confront him. He is a "charmer," and a charmer's defense is to downplay and convince you that his behavior is acceptable. It's not. With his rapport and seniority with the company, he could talk to HR and twist his story before the OP has a chance to make a report.


Make the report to the supervisor now. I would also look for another job since this is not a good impression you are getting from a new company.



There shouldn't be ANY flirting going on when you are working to get a paycheck. That drama needs to be left out of the workplace.

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Training has ended, today was our last day. We were given our assigned desks. I have a window desk, now I have to prove my worth for sure. The rest of the class had a tinge of jealousy, most were seated near the bathroom. My coworker/trainer friend, said to me he is really in love with you, and will really miss your personality. He behaved in such a manner in front of the HR rep.


He's been with the company many years. Training class is fun, yet serious, and he's well respected. I did stop by his office to let him know how much I like my new desk, and say thanks. He acted surprised. Monday the real work begins, I'm really there to be successful. This job is 100 times better than my last one, and tougher, more to know, but better.

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Btw looked up noob not at all the case. I'm well versed and actually was helping others in the class when he wasn't able. I catch on to things quickly. Offered suggestions to run training more smoothly. He was not informed of changes in a timely manner, I suggested a weekly meeting to keep him in the loop. All agreed.


I now understand the way I was introduced to the one guy. He's our supervisor.

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