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Good friend passed away, ex-girlfriend texted me to wish her condolences

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So my ex-girlfriend and I broke up close to a month ago now. She texted on three different occasions, first was a week after to send me an inside joke we had that made her laugh, which I replied with a funny text as well and wasn't expecting much of a reply from her. Second time she texted me on my birthday to wish me happy birthday and telling me she was thinking a lot about me and wished me well. Which I replied with a "Thanks for the thought and wish you're doing well too".


Now the third time she contacted me is today. My good friend passed away in a brutal car accident two days ago, which I'm still shocked by the news... She wished me her condolences as she knew him and I were close friends since a very young age...


Although I still love and care for her and would like our relationship to come back, I still don't known if I should text her back or keep no contact... I still care very deeply for her and I would love her and I to work things out one day. I was in a relationship with her for about 9 months, we had our flaws but overall had a happy relationship. Things started to get downhill in the end and she had doubts on continuing the relationship with me.(she had realised we weren't compatible) I felt I had to leave her because of that.


I installed an LED light bar on her vehicule before we broke up and feel like saying "keep your LED lights" to show her I still care.... Lol but I really ain't sure that's a good idea.


Any thoughts are welcomed

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Sorry to hear this. To be honest, you may be too vulnerable right now after a shock and a loss. I would text her back something like 'thanks your kind words are appreciated'...or similar, because it was kind of her acknowledge you. But not to resume anything right now or segue into talking again.

I still don't known if I should text her back or keep no contact... I still care very deeply for her and I would love her and I to work things out one day.
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