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How to start conversation?


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How to start a conversation with a guy when I know that he is of the shy kind and so am I. But the thing is I think I have seen signs of interest in this guy though he won't come up and say much. What should I do? He's from my work place, so I am not sure I want to make the first move. Because I am still not sure about it all and don't want to make it awkward... since he's also my superior


Gosh I'm thinking of letting it go and not messing things. Friends any suggestions there...

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There are many easy casual ways to talk to him especially when he works with you. It's quite normal to say Hi and then ask how are you. What did you do over the weekend? When he replies, just be curious about the things he did and share things about yourself too.


You can do it!

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There are many easy casual ways to talk to him especially when he works with you. It's quite normal to say Hi and then ask how are you. What did you do over the weekend? When he replies, just be curious about the things he did and share things about yourself too.


You can do it!


The Question is I said I think he is interested but what if he's not...I...It would make me seem weird

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Do you get frequent glances from him when you're nearby and then he looks away?


I don't think it would seem weird if he wasn't. If you found out he isn't interested, then you can put it to rest and not think about it anymore. Working together is an easy ice breaker to talk about.

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Alright so here's how it is. I tried talking to him using work as a reason. But he turns up to be very professional and talks about just work only. I am not sure it's me or him, I can't seem to be find an opening and initiate casual talk...I don't know what to do.

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Alright so here's how it is. I tried talking to him using work as a reason. But he turns up to be very professional and talks about just work only. I am not sure it's me or him, I can't seem to be find an opening and initiate casual talk...I don't know what to do.


Take it as a sign to move on and to leave your Boss be.


If you don't have the guts to walk up, risk loss of your job, and start a conversation that explicitly tells him you are interested in getting to know him more personally, then move on.


Some things in life are worth risking, and worth gaining the guts to get up and do. This, however, isn't one of them.... unless you're leaving the company very soon (like this year).



PS- And Guys... we don't "get it." We hate hints. Be up front or be nothing at all ;-) Don't bat your eyes, or twirl your hair, or touch your neck... just let us know -in an obvious way that is comfortable to you- that you are interested. We'll either bite back, remain oblivious, or flat out not be interested.

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