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How should I go about talking to this girl I like?


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Before I start, I want to give you a warning up front. This situation is a little bizarre...


I've been single most of my life by choice, but a few months ago I realized how alone I truly am and I would like that to change. Well about a week ago, my hippie friend told me he knows a girl who would be a great match for me. The 3 of us hung out on memorial day together, and I really like her so far. I'd love to be in a relationship with her, but I forgot to ask for her phone number. And she doesn't have a Facebook either. So the only way I have contact with her is over instagram. My friend told me not to worry about it because we'll all hang out again soon. But he's leaving to go on a journey across the country and live in his van for a few months, and I don't know when he's leaving for that. So there is a good possibility that I might not get a chance to see her again before my friend leaves. I'm really catching feelings for her and I don't want to let myself get hurt because of it. I could theoretically contact her over instagram, but that would be weird, and possibly weird. What do you think I should do?

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I'm not sure why it would be so weird to contact her on instagram if you have no other way to do so. Also if your friend told you not to worry because you guys would be hanging out again soon, I'd assume that "soon" would mean "before I go on this long trip". But that's just me.

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Why can't he give you her number? If that's too establishment for your friend, hit her on IG, you already met in person hanging out so it would not be weird or possibly weird.

my hippie friend told me he knows a girl who would be a great match for me.My friend told me not to worry about it because we'll all hang out again soon. I could theoretically contact her over instagram, but that would be weird, and possibly weird.
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