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Don't want to at all but I don't know what to do?


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So I'm 17 and she's 16. I've been going out with her for nearly 8 months. She's amazing. I've never met anyone I like as much. Her parents found out we've been having sex. They've taken her phone, unregistered her at school and enrolled her in private for the next year, put a lock on her window, an alarm system in the house, she calls me at night sometimes on her brothers phone. She begs me not to give up on her but her parents have been very clear that if they see me they'll get a restraining order. I don't want to give up on her and she's begging me not to but like? I can't ever see her, she wakes me up at 2 in the morning to whisper on the phone for 30 minutes like 3 times a week. Her parents have been very clear they will never let me see her again. How should I proceed?

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If her parents threatened legal action... Back the hell away. It is very clear that they do not approve your relationship with their daughter. And honestly, I don't blame them.


Stop taking her calls. If her brother's phone plan is connected to her parents, they can track your number and # of calls made to you.


End contact with her before you so land in legal trouble.

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They took her out of highschool, where all her friends are, enrolled her in private school, are essentially holding her hostage within her own home... all because they found out she's having sex? Nevermind the level of ridiculous that is, how is this relationship ever going to go anywhere unless she plans to run away and never have anything to do with her parents again?


Unlike Snny, I don't agree with their actions at all but I mean, what does that even matter, right? I don't see how there's really anything either of you can do about it outside of doing something crazy and life-ruining. Sorry, but this one's over.

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It is very clear that they do not approve your relationship with their daughter. And honestly, I don't blame them.


That was rude and unnecessary. Not sure why you'd say something like that. You don't even know the guy.


OP, unfortunately there's not much you can do in this situation as everything is out of your control. You can't change how your girlfriend's parents feel and and all the while she is living under their roof she must abide by their rules. Their way of parenting seems a little off to me; verging on ridiculous, to be honest. But they will do what they feel needs to be done, and there's nothing you or your girlfriend can do about it.


Perhaps down the track you will be reunited. If it was meant to be, it will happen. Just don't force anything for now and try not to get yourself in trouble with her parents, or the law. If you rub them up the wrong way, it will make things very difficult for you in future if / when you and your girlfriend decide to give it another go.


I think it's sweet that you care about her so much.

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I have a Daughter & if I found out she was having sex at such a young age I would have done something very similar.


Teenage pregnancy is a life changer. Whether to keep the baby, adopt or abort are decisions not to be made lightly & will certainly stay with you both for the rest of your lives.


This is no Hollywood movie where young love finds a way to conquer all.

I would stay away from her & her parents & thank your lucky stars she didn't fall pregnant!!

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Teenagers are going to date and they're going to have sex, you're not going to stop that. But what you can do is make certain that they have the proper education about sex, pregnancy and protection from STDs. To be honest, they are probably more likely to have less sex with your support than they will without it. Secondly, why in the hell is her parents taking out a restraining order against you? To my understanding, there are legal channels that have to be followed before a restraining order is granted. You can't just go around placing restraining orders on people because you feel like it. There has to be cause for concern and it has to be documented or recorded within the court system.


This is the worst thing about being in love when you're young. You don't have as much control over your life and people are making decisions for you. If you really truly love this girl and want to make it work then I would stick to your guns and accept whatever little communication you can get. If she's calling from her brother's phone then it's obvious you still have the support of at least one family member so you can't be all that bad of a guy, right? Some how you're just going to have to make it work, otherwise it may be time to move on.

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Unfortunately her parents call the shots. They are livid right now so I wouldn't risk a restraining order. If she contacts you, you can talk but do call her or go to her or encourage anything.

She begs me not to give up on her but her parents have been very clear that if they see me they'll get a restraining order.
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Unlike Snny, I don't agree with their actions at all but I mean, what does that even matter, right?

Just wait until you have your own children. Better yet, just wait until you have a teenage daughter who gets knocked up. It's a real game changer.


That was rude and unnecessary. Not sure why you'd say something like that. You don't even know the guy.

Actions speak louder than words. Please tell me how my post was rude or how I violated the TOS forum rules. You are more than welcome to report me, but I highly doubt the mods will agree that i was rude with my constructive criticism.


Quit being so sensitive and grow a thicker skin.

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