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Bussing through Northern Mexico


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I'm planning on studying in Guadalajara for about a month in a few days and will be traveling there by bus. Dallas-GDL. Does anyone have personal experience traveling across the border and through northern Mexico? I am a little afraid of bus hijacking. Please do not offer negative comments unless you've been there. Thanks.

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that link up there gives you some traveling tips coming from the US to mexico



Ive been to Puerto Vallarta and traveled by bus way out in the country area for something but ive never travled from the US to mexico

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I travel to Mexico a lot to see friends throughout the country. Mexican highways are pretty safe and the border is probably the least of your concerns. The risks are low, but in a general tip I'd give would be to time the bus ride so that it's daylight when you're going through the rural areas the more south you go. There aren't a lot of police on the roads between cities in that area.

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I'm a budget traveler myself, and really like both the tripadvisor.com and the Lonely Planet travel forums for up to date info and personal experiences/opinions. Tripadvisor caters less to backpackers and really budget travelers than Lonely Planet, but there are usually several locals on each regional board who will offer their input.


Just as an idea of where you might be able to get a bit more feedback than here

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Study maps, routes and become as familiar as you can with the general layout of where you are going. That way if something fishy were to happen, you won't be totally lost and helpless. Knowing the layout, major streets, squares, shopping areas is honestly the best you can do because you can have a good chance at getting lost in the crowd and dodge trouble that way. The other part is try not to dress/look like a tourist fresh in town that's standing out like a sore thumb. The more you look like you might be local and familiar with the area, the less you'll be picked as a target for anything, even just pick pockets and other random scammers.

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I've been going to Mexico for about 10 yrs and have been to about 20 different places there, and rode buses all over. I have not crossed by bus into Mexico from the US but have driven across the border both ways and no problems with that.


Try to plan your bus ride during day light hours not at night. Get on tripadvisor.com and join the forums for the areas you want to see and ask your questions in these forums. We've had great times in Mexico but we use common sense and dont do stupid things like wander around at 3 a.m. or go down dark alleys, the same precautions you'd take at home. Dont flash your money or your jewelry ever, leave the Rolex at home, because you never know who's watching.

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