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I'm worried sick about my girlfriend being pregnant, can someone help me?


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Hello, my name is Sam. I made a huge mistake, I'm too young (legally and now I see, mentally) to have sex but a lot of my friends had and I felt pressured into, like I had too to keep my girlfriend happy. We had sex, I used an extra safe durex condom and I am pretty certain it did not break as when I took it off all the semen did not fall through. This was 11 days ago, 2 days before she was meant to start her period, she is now 8 days late, she told me she often has late periods but I'm seriously freaking out. I'm so worried that I've just ruined my life and I can't talk to anyone about it I'm really scared, what shall I do?? (I know I made a mistake I don't need criticism or hate, I just want help going forward and on how to calm down and not stress) any help would be MUCH appreciated x URGENT!!!

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OK - the main thing here is to calm down. When I was 15, this same thing happened to me - first time i had sex with my girl, and she was late. Late periods happen and they are fairly common, if your girl says she often has late periods, then don't worry too much at the moment! If you used a good condom, and it didn't split, then there is only a small chance that any sperm got out, and even if it did it often takes more than one time for a girl to become pregnant - some people try for children for years!


Have you talked to her about your concerns? The reason I ask, is that even while it is a concern, talking and making contingency plans can often help to settle your nerves....


Personally - I don't think you have anything to worry about at the moment.

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OK - the main thing here is to calm down. When I was 15, this same thing happened to me - first time i had sex with my girl, and she was late. Late periods happen and they are fairly common, if your girl says she often has late periods, then don't worry too much at the moment! If you used a good condom, and it didn't split, then there is only a small chance that any sperm got out, and even if it did it often takes more than one time for a girl to become pregnant - some people try for children for years!


Have you talked to her about your concerns? The reason I ask, is that even while it is a concern, talking and making contingency plans can often help to settle your nerves....


Personally - I don't think you have anything to worry about at the moment.



Thanks that means a lot, I'm gonna just try and calm down for a while and see if there is any development, if there isn't we may try a pregnancy test but for now I'm just gonna try and keep calm

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Thanks that means a lot, I'm gonna just try and calm down for a while and see if there is any development, if there isn't we may try a pregnancy test but for now I'm just gonna try and keep calm


You should do a pregnancy test at the earliest available opportunity, burying your heads in the sand won't make this issue go away.

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I'm too young (legally and now I see, mentally) to have sex but a lot of my friends had and I felt pressured into, like I had too to keep my girlfriend happy.

Nope, don't even blame your friends on this one! You are fully responsible for the decision just as your girlfriend is. Part of being an adult is owning up to your decisions.


Only way she can know is if she takes pregnancy tests. Sorry, what's done is done- you have to live with this.


I've been using condoms for a long time and never had one break. As long as you used correctly, you should be fine. But if you are not ready to deal with the consequences of sex, then don't do it.

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If she's stressed about being pregnant, it can make her period be late (nature is a cruel b**ch sometimes). I had one small scare a few years ago and I was PANICKING. I was a week late and I resolved to get a pregnancy test. Literally 45 minutes after I made that decision, my period came. Haha. So don't worry too much yet.

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Hello, my name is Sam. I made a huge mistake, I'm too young (legally and now I see, mentally) to have sex but a lot of my friends had and I felt pressured into, like I had too to keep my girlfriend happy. We had sex, I used an extra safe durex condom and I am pretty certain it did not break as when I took it off all the semen did not fall through. This was 11 days ago, 2 days before she was meant to start her period, she is now 8 days late, she told me she often has late periods but I'm seriously freaking out. I'm so worried that I've just ruined my life and I can't talk to anyone about it I'm really scared, what shall I do?? (I know I made a mistake I don't need criticism or hate, I just want help going forward and on how to calm down and not stress) any help would be MUCH appreciated x URGENT!!!


Please let this be the last time you have sex until you are older - be an encouraging voice to kids who feel pressured to have sex that they are doing the right thing NOT to have sex. And hopefully you dodged a bullet, she is not pregnant (girls can be very irregular when they only had their period a few years), and this is a lesson that scared you enough that the consequences are too risky.


I would wait to see what happens in a week or two - have her take a pregnancy test at that time.

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Great you guys used a condom. This is all part of the learning curve. The anxiety of having sex when you think you shouldn't and then thinking oops...something went wrong. Your gf can get one of those drug store tests and see what's up.

I used an extra safe durex condom. she is now 8 days late.
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