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I met this guy who I really liked, so I decided to be totally honest with him and told him I'm bisexual and he accepted it at first. We started dating and he was great, a few months later he told me he didn't want to be with me anymore and that the whole bisexual thing was the main reason why he was breaking up with me.

A couple weeks later he called me and told me he missed me, we started seeing each other again, then he said he wasn't sure again! I gave him one week to make a decision but I haven't heard from him. I feel like a fool because I really like him

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Why do you feel like a fool? You were upfront with him and gave him a chance, he lied to you. Now you know what he is about, so there is nothing to like there anymore. Just move on and if he calls again, make sure you tell him to take a hike. If you think you'll weaken and take him back, then just block him completely - phone, e-mails, whatever means of communication. You'd only be a fool if you take him back a third time.

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I met this guy who I really liked, so I decided to be totally honest with him and told him I'm bisexual and he accepted it at first. We started dating and he was great, a few months later he told me he didn't want to be with me anymore and that the whole bisexual thing was the main reason why he was breaking up with me.

A couple weeks later he called me and told me he missed me, we started seeing each other again, then he said he wasn't sure again! I gave him one week to make a decision but I haven't heard from him. I feel like a fool because I really like him


When you say "bisexual".....do you simply mean that you're sexually attracted to women and men, but you wanted a committed monogamous relationship with this guy?


Some people mention being bisexual as a way of keeping to door open for sexual experiences outside of the relationship. It's not cheating on him if it's with a girl kinda thing.


I'm sorry, I know it's frustrating, but it sounds as though he liked you, and he tried and found out it wasn't something he's able to deal with. That doesn't mean he didn't like you, but the reality for the two of you is that it's not going to work if it's a problem for him. That doesn't make you a fool, it just means you found out that the two of you don't fit.

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When you say "bisexual".....do you simply mean that you're sexually attracted to women and men, but you wanted a committed monogamous relationship with this guy?


Some people mention being bisexual as a way of keeping to door open for sexual experiences outside of the relationship. It's not cheating on him if it's with a girl kinda thing.


I'm sorry, I know it's frustrating, but it sounds as though he liked you, and he tried and found out it wasn't something he's able to deal with. That doesn't mean he didn't like you, but the reality for the two of you is that it's not going to work if it's a problem for him. That doesn't make you a fool, it just means you found out that the two of you don't fit.


I'm attracted to both men and women! He had accepted it and was okay and then he suddenly changed his mind.

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Why do you feel like a fool? You were upfront with him and gave him a chance, he lied to you. Now you know what he is about, so there is nothing to like there anymore. Just move on and if he calls again, make sure you tell him to take a hike. If you think you'll weaken and take him back, then just block him completely - phone, e-mails, whatever means of communication. You'd only be a fool if you take him back a third time.


I feel like a full for liking him! I really don't know how to get over a guy lol

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I think you got your answer with how the second time around ended. Don't feel bad for it, just use it as a learning experience. It's hard being completely honest initially until you build some trust in each other once you've been burned a couple times.

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