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Unhealthy amounts of stress over my boyfriend's family.


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They will be polite when they meet, I think my anxiety is on the event after, having to hear their comments about it


Okay, think about that. A comment is a comment. So what?


A good way to manage anxiety is to avoid giant abstractions. Think, instead, about the potential outcomes you fear. Then minimize those into reasonable solutions. For instance, a comment about the guy's Mom does not equate to "...therefore I must break up with him." (Uhm...unless you're looking for a way out of the relationship, and this is your strawman to get out.)


So your family makes a comment. Does that 'demand' a defense from you, or can you just laugh and say, "I get it. Thank you for your concern." ...and move on to ask someone to pass the salt or pepper?


I am living with my family currently. I start my full time job in just a little over a month (Just graduated college a few weeks ago), and need to save up some money. I plan on moving out and fully supporting myself in about 6 months. Yes, marriage is too premature! I can absolutely agree with that! Sometimes, I worry when the timing is completely irrational.


Thank you so much for this comment. This is exactly what I was looking for!


Glad to hear this.


Head high.

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It sounds like your bf treats you well but are you dating him to rebel against your uptight parents?

He has gotten in trouble in the past with the law only once for smoking weed. His sister had a slip-up and got into a bad crowd and had an addiction problem. his mom does not come from money she has tacky tattoos over her arms, she just recently got her nose pierced. his dad lives in a trailer
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