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So after three months of being broken up with, my ex contacted me. Saying that she is moving back into town Temporarily till she's financially stable and for me to avoid going into her work. In the past two weeks shes tried to add me back on twitter, she unblocked me on face book and has unblocked my number. Im just now starting to feel better and am now living my life the way it should be. So I don't see the point of texting me just to tell me to avoid that place when she knows damn well I dont eat there. I don't want put to much thought into this and I want to continue to move foward without her, but I can't help but think she's playing mind games right now..

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She's absolutely playing mind games, she's attention seeking so its safe to assume something is missing in her life. Perhaps things didn't work out for her and some guy? You should block her on your phone, email, FB, the whole nine yards. If she does manage to get through to you calmly tell her you have no interest in seeing her.


Unless you actually do?

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Congratulations on moving on from a selfish cow. Don't let her attention seeking ways to build up her own self esteem lead you astray.


Good news is she unblocked you, that now gives you the opportunity to block her. So do it!

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Sorry, but she doesn't dictate to you about where you go in your own town. Good idea to block her from everywhere and move forward from this. In fact, get on some dating apps.

she is moving back into town Temporarily and for me to avoid going into her work.
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