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Obsessions over celebrities


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So the issue is you want to be " important"? Why aren't you important enough as you?


I live a boring, mundane life and no one besides my family would even notice if I was gone. However, I have a lot of phobias that keep me secluded.

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I live a boring, mundane life and no one besides my family would even notice if I was gone. However, I have a lot of phobias that keep me secluded.


Ok, but 99.999999999999 % of people live that life . Me too. We are not going to be famous. That is just life.

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I think the last time I was "obsessive" over a celebrity (actually more like a crush on a Popstar), I was between 10-12 years old, lol.



Get some goals and stick with them - maybe it's to get a better job, better pay, do some volunteer work. If you want to be good at something, you need to practice and spend time on it. I'm not sure what your goals are or what you would like to improve.


Personally, I find celebrities boring. I'd rather hear about someone who is trying to make a positive influence in their community (doctor, nurse, educator, human rights lawyer) rather than what's the latest purse or lipstick an actress is wearing.

I agree with all of Annie's post above. I have nothing to add, as she nailed it.

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I think celebrities are kind of boring too. I have some actors I like (Leo DiCaprio - he's hot!) but I don't obsess - I just enjoy their movies! I don't really get why the west coast is really star struck but I hope the celebrities and all of their nonsense stay over there and away from where I live. I don't envy anyone in the limelight. They live under a microscope. Their relationships are usually short lived, they can't go anywhere without someone bothering them with cameras and questions, and many fall into drugs, crash dieting, or partying to cope. I'll take a pass on that.


It sounds like you are lacking meaning and enjoyment in your own life. If your phobias are holding you back, you need to see if you can get some professional help. I used to have bad emetophobia (fear of vomiting) to the point that it was hard for me to go to movies and I've never been to a college party in my whole life because of it. Luckily, I was able to move past in and now I work in healthcare with patients!

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I'm not here looking to offend in any way at all but I really can't understand the obsession. It's something that just seems so foreign to me.


Having these kinds of obsessions can lead to some real amount of materialism and stuff sometimes which is not healthy. I would suggest you refrain from looking at their Wikipedia pages and start looking at news articles from reliable sources and see who these celebrities are. Most of them are absolute nutjobs that invest money into Scientology, you don't want to be that person.


On another hand, I used to love wrestling as a kid, and always wanted to turn out like The Rock or Triple H, I always wanted to be 6"4-5 and just really big and muscular. And now I'm 5"8 with a chubby belly and I'm in okayish shape whilst being quite strong.


The point I'm making is that I didn't end up like any of the wrestlers I used to want to be but I used them as motivation and helped me generate my love for other aspects of life. You too should consider looking at it in this manner maybe

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My SO has a close friend who is a famous musician/singer in our country. We are all friends on Facebook. And although I also know about the ugly parts of being famous (drugs, alcohol, late nights, no normal social life) I do get jealous sometimes on their vacation trips, the good looking people they hang out with and all the rock and roll stuff really. It's so different from my own life that i sometimes feel bummed that my life isn't a little bit more adventures, thrilling or less normal I guess. I know that obsessing about these people is not the way to happiness. Whenever I feel I get a bit jealous I close my Facebook/Instagram whatever and move my ass. Either I'm taking a hike, doing the groceries anything normal to get myself back to earth. Because there is no way I'm actually going to ever live like that even if I had the money and skills for it. I would probably be addicted to some kind of drug, never would have had a decent relationship and would not have coped with the fame and busy lifestyle At all. I know I would be a total wreck.


Be realistic. I know it's hard but by being honest to yourself I think you'll know that being famous isn't all that. Try to find something meaningful to you. Try some social work or just help some friends out, even if you just buy them a cup of coffee. That is a meaningful life. It's the small things that matter.

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As a teen/early 20 something I OBSESSED over many celebs. I could have told you almost everything their was to know about Pierce Brosnan (it was the late 90s so I was a WEIRD teen) including the name of his wife (Keely Shaye Smith) and his kids (I've forgotten their names now).


I still like him as an actor, but I no longer follow everything he does the way I used to. I used to be like that because I felt like I was still "waiting" for something to happen in my own life so I substituted fantasy for reality. I was still emotionally maturing as well so I didn't really understand that I wasn't really living my own life.


You need to work on emotional maturity and the realization that your own life has value.


I have actually met many celebrities as well through going to fantasy and sci fi conventions (including Pierce Brosnan) and doing so has actually helped me to understand they are human beings who are no better or worse than I am. I still go to the conventions but now I don't even bother to get autographs half the time because I dont' want to spend the money.


I might make an exception in September though lol.


Find something fulfilling for you and others lives won't be as important or consuming.

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OP asks:


"Who are you obsessing over at the moment?"


No one. Not now, and never did. A very unhealthy place in the mind: obsession.


Why would you compare yourself to anyone, less so the pseudo-celebs of today. What a rubbishy lot of people.


A different matter to admire a great musician, or someone who has worked tirelessly to get to the top in the performing arts. I am betting that undergoing the relentless routine of maybe 10 or 12 hours a day practice and training doesn't leave much time for anxiety.....


Cupcake: I thought you were going to Costa Rica, to take up a job there.


Totally agree Annie:


"Personally, I find celebrities boring. I'd rather hear about someone who is trying to make a positive influence in their community (doctor, nurse, educator, human rights lawyer) rather than what's the latest purse or lipstick an actress is wearing."

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