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About 2 years ago, a girl i thought i fell inlove with rejected me, she didn't feel the same way. reason i said "i thought i fell inlove" was because we met online, and we never actually met, and i was young and dumb (still am, but learned alot) lol. i realized it was just infatuation, i told her this (she thought i head over heels inlove with her), i stopped her and corrected her, she said "woow, that hurt a little) lol. but i was just being honest.

before, i was the "nice guy", she always saying "awww, that's so sweet" and "omg, you're perfect" problem is = i wasn't being true to myself. that wasn't me. i was doing it to make her like me, hopefully. i would take her crap and be afraid to bring up issues becuase i didn't wanna argue with her etc.. in sum: i was being a total beta/. (feels good to admit things, hehe).



After she rejected me (i told her i was inlove with her, she say she didn't feel the same way, i guess i got what i deserved for being fake). After that, i was like " everything and everybody, i'm gonna start being me from now on, the idgaf me.. got a job/money/moved on with diff girl etc..)

About a year ago we got back in contact, i called her "bae" lol, (i do this with every female, both related/stranger) she obvi didn't know so she said "myname i have a bf -_-" and i was like "it's just a nickname, gee."


i was at peace with being her friend. i just wasn't putting the effort into it like before. we talk like once a week on the phone. (before, we'd text everyday). but now i'm busy with other things on my mind, doing me and i don;t text anymore, unless i have to.

this year, she opened up to having feelings for me. (i have a gf now)..

problem 2 = i think i like her too but i'm not sure cuz you know; she rejected me once.

she say she feels some way/bad me talking to her behind my gf's back etc.. and wants me to do something about it.



wut do?



edit: btw, we're both young F/18 - M/20

when she rejected me she was 16, i was 18.

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first of all, i don't think it's a good idea to call all your female friends/family "bae." that's an endearing term and girls will likely interpret that as such. you passed it off as "it's just a nickname, gee" but you're trying to play it off as a COOL thing that it was HER fault for misinterpreting that. stop this game. call only your gf bae. don't give off the wrong vibe and make the other person feel like they're stupid for interpreting it the way it's usually interpreted.


as for your question, be true to yourself like you said you are now. you need to figure out who you love more. is it your current gf or is it the old friend who now wants to be your gf? keep asking that question to yourself: who do you love more? only you can answer that.

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You would be taking a big risk for someone you never even met and don't really know because they are only online, if you were to leave your current girlfriend for a fantasy. Do you two ever plan on meeting?




She's not really a fantasy. We used to talk/txt/video chat alot. known her for about 4 years now.

we plan on meeting in june/july.

Just don't know if i should go through with it.


first of all, i don't think it's a good idea to call all your female friends/family "bae." that's an endearing term and girls will likely interpret that as such. you passed it off as "it's just a nickname, gee" but you're trying to play it off as a COOL thing that it was HER fault for misinterpreting that. stop this game. call only your gf bae. don't give off the wrong vibe and make the other person feel like they're stupid for interpreting it the way it's usually interpreted.


as for your question, be true to yourself like you said you are now. you need to figure out who you love more. is it your current gf or is it the old friend who now wants to be your gf? keep asking that question to yourself: who do you love more? only you can answer that.


My brain is telling me no, just leave the bish alone. tell her that i can't leave my gf for her becuase she rejected me once and i caan't be with someone who rejected me as i already lost the feeling.

but then again, my heart is telling me that the reason she rejected me is becuase she didn't see the real me, i just being nice so that she would like me so i deserved what i got. so i should stop being such a phaggot and give her the benefit and meet her atleast n see where it goes.


but then again, why should i leave my gf for her when, when she had a bf and now i should leave my gf for her at her whim? maybe i'm overthinking it?

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How can you fall in love with someone you never met? You need to get out more.


I wouldn't be so sure of that if I was you, I think it's very possible to fall in love with someone you've never met, it has never happened to me, but I know it has happened to others and I find them to be sincere when documenting their experiences.


To the OP, I think you need to grow up a bit, you're twenty now, you aren't a young teenager, I expected you to be about 14 with the way you were carrying on, so I was surprised to read you are twenty. You shouldn't ever be false, you shouldn't ever mislead someone to get what you want, that's deception and deception is never acceptable in my opinion. What happens if you two meet in July and she finds you to be the total opposite of how you've been portraying yourself? More importantly you have a girlfriend and I think by meeting up with this other girl you could be putting your current relationship in jeopardy. If I was you I would make a choice between who you want. The girlfriend or this Internet friend and then go from there.


Also might I also add that rejection is not a bad thing, sure it stings but many women don't reject men out of spite and it's not always about you. A woman might be in a bad place where she doesn't feel like she can date anyone despite thinking you're an amazing man and her wanting to be with you. These things do happen sometimes.

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I wouldn't be so sure of that if I was you, I think it's very possible to fall in love with someone you've never met, it has never happened to me, but I know it has happened to others and I find them to be sincere when documenting their experiences.


To the OP, I think you need to grow up a bit, you're twenty now, you aren't a young teenager, I expected you to be about 14 with the way you were carrying on, so I was surprised to read you are twenty. You shouldn't ever be false, you shouldn't ever mislead someone to get what you want, that's deception and deception is never acceptable in my opinion. What happens if you two meet in July and she finds you to be the total opposite of how you've been portraying yourself? More importantly you have a girlfriend and I think by meeting up with this other girl you could be putting your current relationship in jeopardy. If I was you I would make a choice between who you want. The girlfriend or this Internet friend and then go from there.


Also might I also add that rejection is not a bad thing, sure it stings but many women don't reject men out of spite and it's not always about you. A woman might be in a bad place where she doesn't feel like she can date anyone despite thinking you're an amazing man and her wanting to be with you. These things do happen sometimes.


Yeah, i realized that being false wasn't the way. took rejection to stop being such.


Now she knows the real me, the way i behave, talk, some of my flaws, don't take bs from her, brutally honest etc... think thats whats attracting her. the real me, as this is how i am with everybody else, so with her i'm indifferent. I just don't know if i should meet up with her because she already rejected me once. but i know that when she rejected me, she did'nt know the "real" me, so my head is telling to break it off n tell her to it's not gonna work, simply becuase of what she did. and my heart is telling to atleast go on a date n see where things go becuase what happened is my fault so give her the slight benefit.... aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh..


But hey, you said you were expecting me to be 14? heh. you're never too old to learn.


And to the last part about rejection not being a bad thing -- She said she didn't see me as more than friends. i went nc. 4 months later she's end up being "taken". -- is what you said still valid?

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Unfortunately this sounds like a waste of your time and energy on a lot of levels.

1) you never met, it could be anyone a scammer, a catfish, a 700 lb 50 y/o man living in his car.

2) she's 16 and immature, if she is even real.

3) you have a gf (hopefully real life, not online)

Stop all the contact, it's not the type of attention you need.

i was doing it to make her like me, hopefully. when she rejected me she was 16, i was 18.
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Unfortunately this sounds like a waste of your time and energy on a lot of levels.

1) you never met, it could be anyone a scammer, a catfish, a 700 lb 50 y/o man living in his car.

2) she's 16 and immature, if she is even real.

3) you have a gf (hopefully real life, not online)

Stop all the contact, it's not the type of attention you need.


1) That's true, we've never met. But we used to talk/text/video chat alot. soo... she's i'm sure she is who she is. i have all her social media etc.. we exchange physical bday gifts one time.

2) she is ,lol.

3) i do, yes. real life.


It sounds like she might not like the idea of you with someone else. She likes having you chase her.


I'm not chasing her. lol. But you may be right about she not liking the idea of me being with someone else, though. idk. just a thought.




If you love your new girlfriend more than her than you should just let bae go. If you really want bae you should break up with your girlfriend. Who knows, she could be the girl of your dreams.


yes, bae. hah. i think you're right.


she may/may not be. idk. life's a gamble.

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