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I miss him


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I met this great guy online about 5 months ago. We text from the time we wake up until bedtime, we talk on the phone, we've told each other some deep parts of our pasts. We talk about meeting often (we live about 8 hours apart), but we're both very busy. So lately he's been very busy with work (he's a big manager for a company and is always on call) and his kids (he's a divorced single dad), so we haven't been talking quite as often. I broke down about 4 days ago and told him I think it's best if we don't talk anymore because my feelings are getting too strong and it's starting to hurt when we don't talk as often and that it feels like we'll never get to meet and spend time together. He said he was bummed but he understood. Well of course I regret it now, I miss him like crazy. He's become so important to me, as much as I'm attracted to him and want him, he's also become one of my best friends that I can talk to about anything. I told him how much I miss him and I made a mistake, but he never responded. I tried to move on, but yesterday I texted him on accident trying to respond to another friends text. He responded with "You sent this to the wrong person. Look, I'm not mad and I'm not upset. I have been meaning to text you back, I've just been super busy." I feel like I totally screwed up and I don't know how to fix it or if it can even be fixed. Any words of wisdom?

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You didn't mess up at all he just lost interest in a LDR and never even having met. You sound quite lonely and like you need someone local to talk to and date.

We talk about meeting often."I have been meaning to text you back, I've just been super busy."
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It's an online relationship. It's a fantasy. Unless there's a concrete chance you can be in the same place permanently in the not too distant future, a fantasy's all it will ever be.


Find someone local you can meet face to face.

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Unfortunately this happens a lot on OLD. You start chatting with someone a lot and feel like you are getting close and then you get attached. Its a false attachment. Unless you made concrete plans to meet each other its all an illusion. You really don't know each other at all. So I suggest you let this go and move on to a real live person so you can form a real relationship with someone.

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