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This won't come as a big surprise but ENA has been a big eye opener for me. Every time I have the chance to read up on how women treat their long therm, romantic partners and what sort of advice they get to hide their actions or shift the blame, I lose another bit of what's left from my faith in humanity. Some of it is just plain disgusting.

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I suppose there are times when not having certain information is better than being aware of what's going on. On an unrelated note, I'm now questioning whether to stick to my plan of not dating in 2016. I've been introduced to a girl, friend of a friend kind of deal so I don't really know her. While the initial conversation wasn't all that bad, I fear we don't have all that much in common and the relatively low level of physical attraction doesn't help.

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Don't go for it just because it's an opportunity. If you're not attracted to her, then really there's not going to be all that much chemistry there. But, you could always go out as friends. She may even be able to broaden your social circle.

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I think that seeing her in person will be the deciding factor. While she looks great in some of her pictures, others are not that flattering and she brough up the issue of weight herself - followed by excuses and explanations of how some people are just meant to be thin and how guys have it easy when I tried to explain my own dealing with being overweight. That's already a pretty shaky start.

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Being out of touch with reality is one of my biggest deal breakers. Anti-science talk, hardcore religious adherence, buying into any sort of woo. Maybe that's why I already see a possible problem, unless it's my subconscious attempt at sabotaging an opportunity. The thing is, she's really pretty in some of her older pictures, with really prominent cheekbones. Then just two years back, she apparently gained enough weight to make significant changes to her facial features and now she seems to be losing it again, as far as I can tell.

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One more day at work and then I'm taking this Friday off. The combined demand of a full time job and various projects on the side is starting to wear me out, bit by bit. I need to install a vinyl cut store name in a window display tomorrow, fingers crossed that everything goes well. Since all of my previous viny commissions were significantly smaller in scale, this will be a real trial by fire.

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Things hardly ever go as planned and this job is no exception. I showed up on time to find the store closed, lights out. Now that the owner is not even answering her phone, I can only hope that she'll be there tomorrow. Looks like Friday won't be that much of a day off after all.

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Being out of touch with reality is one of my biggest deal breakers. Anti-science talk, hardcore religious adherence, buying into any sort of woo. Maybe that's why I already see a possible problem, unless it's my subconscious attempt at sabotaging an opportunity. The thing is, she's really pretty in some of her older pictures, with really prominent cheekbones. Then just two years back, she apparently gained enough weight to make significant changes to her facial features and now she seems to be losing it again, as far as I can tell.


My coworkers are talking about a hypothetical situation right now, and I can't even listen. "If your spouse gave their ex (who is the parent of your child) $50 without talking to you about it because they said they were struggling, would you be angry?" They are literally yelling at each other about it. I have my music turned all the way up and I can still hear them.

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I can still remember the deep, inspiring discussions between two female colleagues back when I was working for a different department (the same one where I started out as an intern). Every single morning the older of them complained about how people with university level education are stupid, how all the universities are worthless except for her daughter's alma mater. Also, her daughter is apparently the only smart uni graduate. Coming from someone who joined the company with elementary education and stayed in the same job for 30 something years, I didn't know whether to laugh or just jump over the tables in front of me and strangle her.

You can't pick the people you'll be working with and most departments or teams are bound to have an or two. Even after almost a year in my 'new job', I still can't comprehend why we don't have anyone who would be incredibly annoying, stupid or both.

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Understood - I felt the need to elaborate since a lot of people get their panties in a twist on here!


Of course, I can't throw stones. I was recently told that I make assumptions and take everything personally. So that's probably why I always want to explain myself properly.

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Finally, the vinyl is done, everything went pretty smooth for it being my first vinyl job of this size. The customer is happy, I have something to be proud of that will get noticed by people every day, overall a win-win situation.

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SolidWorks, SolidWorks and more SolidWorks - I really need to sit down and draw the remaining parts for an Overwatch commission, there's still a ton to do before I'll be able to work on the software side of things. I was contemplating asking the girl out but I'm still not entirely feeling it. A reasonably productive day will be better than one spoiled by a bad date.

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Good to hear that you are still excited for it. I am kinda bummed out by what Niantic did in the latest patch and by their treatment of the playerbase in general but I'm still in it for the group play. Running around with similarly minded people and hunting for pokemon is by far the best part.

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It was so funny, because I went around my downtown neighborhood and there was probably 20 pokestops there, half of them with lures set (bless those people). And everyone I walked past, we'd connect eyes and get a goofy grin. So good. Battle music everywhere!

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Yeah, as long as Niantic don't manage to kill the entire game by their handling of issues, the community will stay great. There's something oddly satisfying about getting together with a group of previously unknown geeks, setting up the lures and just having fun, out in the open.

In other news, the girl I wasn't sure about never really initiated conversation so I gradually slipped off the radar since I was too busy to waste time on a date I wasn't feeling. I have not failed and 2016 without dates is still a thing!

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Wish your area was like mine. On Saturday I passed probably 5 or 6 groups of ladies that looked to be young 20s through early 30s. Like 3 or 4 of them together, just collecting Pokemon. The ice cream shop has made their own Pokemon flavors (since their shop is a pokestop) and many people my age are there just hanging out.

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