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Is it personal when someone says to you "you're my baby"?


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I think what you are asking really depends on the choice of words and context. People actually in love or in a relationship, they might say "hey hun", "hey sweetheart", or "your my love", and in that case it would be personal. You are saying it just to them to show your feelings/affection for that person. Some may also say that to their children, or even their pet. Again, showing affection towards that person or creature on a personal level.


On the other hand, you might go somewhere to buy groceries and the cashier might call you "sweety" or something. In that case, I wouldn't call it personal; they might say that to every other person in the checkout. It just depends on where and how it's being said. I think "sweety" and "sweetheart" are fairly generalized words; a lot of women say them without any actual romantic interest or personal affection towards them. I think saying "babe", "baby", and especially "my love" is crossing the line if you weren't attached to that person somehow. I hope that helps.

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By themselves? No, these words mean nothing. But if they are followed by concrete actions to show they are true, then yes, they mean something. Don't believe anyone who says this kind of stuff to you, if their actions don't match and they are not treating you accordingly.

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Nothing that ANYONE says to you is EVER personal......unless YOU make it personal.


Simple answer: NEVER make it personal


And even if you feel that it is and it offends you deeply, simply disengage and walk away from that person. You don't want to be around unhealthy nor toxic

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Nothing that ANYONE says to you is EVER personal......unless YOU make it personal.


Simple answer: NEVER make it personal


And even if you feel that it is and it offends you deeply, simply disengage and walk away from that person. You don't want to be around unhealthy nor toxic


It sounds like you are talking about how to interpret potentially insulting or negative language here. I don't read the OP's question as being about that. I take the OP as being about whether to take those type of statements seriously as carrying some deeper personal meaning.


For myself, I might say "You're a sweetheart!" and mean it in a more general sense of someone being especially nice or considerate, but without deeper meaning. However, "You're my sweetheart." would be totally different and I would mean it as a reflection of a deeper personal relationship. I can't imagine saying something like "You're my love." without it being a truly significant and intimate statement. In my mind, it's just another way to phrase "I love you."


But people can vary quite a bit in how they express themselves. Like the aforementioned waitresses who call you "Hun" and of course it's nothing but a friendly greeting. "Actions speak louder than words" is a cliche for a reason, so watch for the actions to back up the words. But I don't think it would be out of line to expect that the statements listed in the OP would potentially have a deeper meaning.

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