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My dad: stage 4/5 kidney damage

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So, things were finally looking up for our family. And I was just offered a dream job in the most amazing city, which is nearby.


My dad was told back in December that he had stage 1 kidney disease, and he had a checkup today with the kidney specialist. He was expecting to go into the doctor today and told to keep on doing what he doing (i.e. diet, etc, etc). He's been eating super healthy and taking care of himself.


However, when he went in to see the doctor today, he was told his kidney damage is at a 4/5. He was heartbroken. I was heartbroken. He was tearing up over the phone, but I kept my composure.


The doctor advised that blood pressure meds can affect sodium in the system, and the kidneys need a certain amount of sodium to function. My dad is on high blood pressure meds. So he's having to eat a diet with a healthy level of sodium, which then absorbs the water be still bus to keep the kidneys functioning and hydrated (I'm no doctor, so bear with me on this description). All I can say is that he he's dehydrated and has to amp up the sodium in his diet.


He also has to minimize creatinine levels, so I'm researching this too - to help his kidneys. I'm looking for natural ways to help him.


The doc cannot explain the sudden deterioration from a stage 1 to stage 4/5.


Can this be reversed? Does anyone have any tips on what to do?


I need him in my life and currently feel helpless.


I'm just really hoping to hear positive stories here from people who've been through something similar.



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If his kidneys deteriorated that much he should have felt differently. Did he? If not, I'd go get a second opinion from another doctor. Did you or him get a copy of his lab results from December? I would compare and contrast it to the lab work you got most recently. You should see stark differences in at least a few of the following results: Serum protein, creatinine, sodium. Urine protein, creatinine and sodium. Also compare serum potassium between both visits.

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If his kidneys deteriorated that much he should have felt differently. Did he? If not, I'd go get a second opinion from another doctor. Did you or him get a copy of his lab results from December? I would compare and contrast it to the lab work you got most recently. You should see stark differences in at least a few of the following results: Serum protein, creatinine, sodium. Urine protein, creatinine and sodium. Also compare serum potassium between both visits.



Thank you for the reply, Someday. No, he does not feel any different from December. He's tired every now and then, but nothing out of the ordinary. I told him to get a second opinion as well, but it's almost like he's given up hope with this news. It kills me to see him like this;especially because he's always so jovial and well, quite proud.


I'll tell him to get copies of his tests from December to date.

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I've been on blood pressure meds for over a year and my kidneys are just fine. Something else is going on here.


Thank you for your reply, thejigisup. I'm not saying it's just the meds, however there are some blood pressure meds which can eventually, over time, affect the kidneys. I hope you look into this for yourself! There are some blood pressure meds that are more gentle on the kidneys.


It could be something more, but the doc doesn't know what it is. He's never seen anything like this before.


My dad had bowel cancer in '07 where some of his intestines were removed, which could be impacting his body's ability to absorb salt. So when he started the low salt diet back in December, because he was eating a salt free diet, drinking water, and his body was already having difficulty absorbing sodium (which we're just finding out about now), there's no sodium present to help the kidneys.


For some reason, it's a mystery.


He was adopted, so this issue could be in his family (but we wouldn't know this), poor diet, etc., etc, could all be contributing factors.


Fact is, I'm heartbroken, and I can't do anything.


And I'm moving 1.5 hours away for a new job that I accepted on Friday. I'm beside myself. My dad means the world to me.

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this is a harsh but honest response from my personal experience not all doctors will tell you this at once.


I have been through the same phase unfortunately my dad had two heart attacks before so his body cud not take the kidney damage he survived in the hospital for two months had dialysis

please stay away from natural therapy it does not work for organ damage I know about this becuz my dad used to take natural medicines for diabetes

start the dialysis if needed immediately there is nothing to be afraid of there are medicines to control to control creatinine levels go to a nephrologist as soon as possible

I hope you have insurance

check for diabetes its the no1 cause for CKD

what city do you live in?

No kidney damage is not reversible but further damage can be prevented

as we have two kidneys he will do fine with the right treatment

and he does not have had a heart attack he will sustain treatment moderately

start with the fistula!! it takes month to prepare for dialysis.

I dont think your dad is in the last stage becuz my dad had breathing problem,pneumonia, there was water accumulation in his lungs, and his kidneys had failed completely, his legs swelled, and he had constipation, his whole body started swelling.

kidneys heart and lungs work in co ordination.

let me know if you want to know more

hope your fathers stays healthy

PS: dialysis is not just for endstage it is also used to take the load of kidneys so that they function for a long time

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this is a harsh but honest response from my personal experience not all doctors will tell you this at once.


I have been through the same phase unfortunately my dad had two heart attacks before so his body cud not take the kidney damage he survived in the hospital for two months had dialysis

please stay away from natural therapy it does not work for organ damage I know about this becuz my dad used to take natural medicines for diabetes

start the dialysis if needed immediately there is nothing to be afraid of there are medicines to control to control creatinine levels go to a nephrologist as soon as possible

I hope you have insurance

check for diabetes its the no1 cause for CKD

what city do you live in?

No kidney damage is not reversible but further damage can be prevented

as we have two kidneys he will do fine with the right treatment

and he does not have had a heart attack he will sustain treatment moderately

start with the fistula!! it takes month to prepare for dialysis.

I dont think your dad is in the last stage becuz my dad had breathing problem,pneumonia, there was water accumulation in his lungs, and his kidneys had failed completely, his legs swelled, and he had constipation, his whole body started swelling.

kidneys heart and lungs work in co ordination.

let me know if you want to know more

hope your fathers stays healthy

PS: dialysis is not just for endstage it is also used to take the load of kidneys so that they function for a long time


Thank you shy owlet for your input.


My dad doesn't like dealing with doctors and his biggest fear is becoming ill/dying. We all have our fears, and this is his biggest fear, and I can't do anything about it.


Losing him is my biggest fear, or him becoming so ill that he has to rely on us, his family, to take care of him. He's a very proud person. We've always been so close. He's my rock and the person I turn to (along with my mom) in times of need. Can't imagine him being ill to the point that he can't take care of himself. I can't imagine him not being around. I wish I could do something...do more.


I hope he's okay! But like I told him, I want to explore the idea of giving him one of my kidneys.

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