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hi all,

I need some help...


I fell in love with somone, who i felt truly connected too.. yet, i learnt that she didnt have much more feelings for me than someone to be there for her when everything else in her life feels like crap.

So yep, have been used... and for once i felt that the feelings i was recieiving was original..

Tbh, even if she turned around and said to me she loved me and wanted to be with me.. i wouldnt.. i couldnt, why? because weve been through too much and its too late.

I cant no longer be treated as second best, lifes not fair.. im ALWAYS treated as second best... am i not good enough to be first? ever? yeah i think so... and for once i thought i was.. i thought i was the the best to someone.. and its heart shattering to find out, your nothing more than no-one.


I need help with forgetting this person.. ive already intitiated no contact which isnt really helping as she is always on my mind.



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Hey man, I am really sorry to hear about your predicament. I know this doesnt help, but that stuff happens in life, and it isnt fair, and no one deserves it.


The best advice I can think of is to go meet new people, have new experiences, this can help you get over your history with this girl, and move on.

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Thanks for all the quick replies..


Ive been trying.. so far ive started playing guitar again (writing songs and poems) to try and take my mind off, but they all seem to be about her!

Also Ive added an account on a website called faceparty.. hoping to find new people, although I don't think ill find anyone so great..


Im trying to think of the future, as nothing will progress if I keep thinking back at the past.

True, I think if things had of been different I would have been the happiest guy alive lol and I woulda tried my best to make her feel the same.. i just thought she was…… so perfect, and I still do!

Its like thousand pounds, and the next day someone steals it… you cant just "not forget about it" it sticks with you..



Urgh, I wish I wasn't me sometime!! I screw up at everything! Whats wrong with me??


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This is really stupid but there are so many things that remind me of her...


This morning i was listening to my music and "Perfect Day" and "Goldentouch" came on (what a coincedence!!) and these songs remind me so much of her..

Plus today its been snowing today (I remember being with her in Camden when it was snowing) all morning and i just cant get her out my head!


I know that to her im nothing, and shes probably not missing me at all... but she meant.. Means, so much to me...

I just wish i was different, wish i was someone/something that was needed



this is really buggering up my brain... i need to forget fast

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