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My boyfriend was teasing the other girl on facebook but it's actually me


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Hi all,


I created fake account on facebook with the sexy girl profile. And I add my boyfriend as one of friend lists, finally he accepted. He always gives a like for every hot sexy picture that I post on facebook. Actually I don't like to know it but I try to understand that he is a man. And I'm trying something just to know how really person he is. I inbox him and he replied and he said that he is single, he did not admit that he is taken. He told that he just has relationship with a girl just for having sex and fun, but no love. Then he was trying to tease the girl on facebook (he doesn't know that actually that girl is me). And at the same time I also was chatting with him on whatsapp. He told to that girl that she did not disturb his time, but he asked me to understand that he was in the middle of a few things with his boss and his co-workers. When we continue to chat, he already got home. And he keep chatting with that girl the same time we were chatting, and in the end of conversation he was teasing her to go travelling with him, offering her to be his girlfriend and have a sex with him, make a baby's and want the kids from her. OMG! He really makes me hurt. And in the morning I told him that girl inbox me and told me everything about their chatting, I told him that girl sent me all their chat. He explained that there is no ...there hasn't been, it just made up. He said that he did that because he shared this to his friends and told them that there was a girl inbox him, he just wanted to say that he did that only for fun with a few friends of him. Nothing else. But I know the truth that he was starting to tease that girl not when he was together with his friends but when he already got home at the same time he continue to chat with me. He did not know that I know all.

What should I do? Should I trust him? But I can not accept the way he did that, no matter what the reason is, only for fun with his friends or something else.

I need some advice please...

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You're at the point where you'e actually creating fake fb profiles. I think you should leave this relationship.


I agree. You're starting to play games and they almost always backfire on YOU. Your relationship in general sounds a bit dysfunctional (reading past threads) and you BOTH would be better off breaking up at this point. I would also strongly advise you seek professional counseling/therapy to help you sort out your issues before getting involved in any relationship.

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(1) Break up with him.

(2) Promise yourself to never ever do this again.


If you want integrity in your man, you must have it in yourself. You will attract the same sort of person that you are inside. Both of you are good liars. If that isn't what you want, stop lying.


Before you get into your next relationship, read about how to resolve conflict.

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Neither of you are mature enough for this relationship.


You, because you feel the need to play games and create fake profiles to attempt to entrap him


Him, because he has cheated on you with said "facebook girl".


Leave him and grow up a bit before you attempt another relationship.

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Whose pictures are you using for your fake Facebook, may I ask? Because using a stranger's pictures without their permission is a punishable offense and illegal, and if that person finds out, you will suffer some very nasty consequences with the law.


Also, your relationship is over. It wasn't healthy to begin with, now it's done. I have a feeling your boyfriend knew it was a prank, otherwise I doubt he would have talked to a 'stranger' about making babies, but either way, your need to do something illegal just to trap him and his response to it are a clear indication that it's time to call it quits.

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You created a scenario that doesn't exist in real life.

A hot sexy girl, willing to chat seductively to a stranger, actually willing to meet , add on whatsapp etc etc.

Your guy played along , many would because it's hilarious.

You "think" you were so smart as to catch him out potentially cheating on you. Well, you are not smart. You are dumb to create an unlikely contact. And you were dumb to even bother trying.


If you don't trust him (regardless of whether he is trust worthy or not ) , the issue lies with you and this guy is without a doubt better off without you.


Learn from your own ridiculous lesson.


Break up with this guy, not because he played along with his "spammer" but because you are not mature enough to be in a relationship and you need to focus on self improvement for at least a year before considering dating again.

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