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Where Did You Go


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Many Of Us Have Been There


When you make your bed and have to lie in it…weight baring down on shards of glass that cut across your skin and lash at your back…when hell comes to earth and breathes fire into your life..obliterating everything that held any meaning…ashes to ashes dust to dust…all you have to cling to is a pile of rust…looking around..all alone where you stand…where the beauty in life was once a thing that you had…a nice reminder how in the matter of seconds it can all turn to crap…there are those that will say…just dance through the pain…but where are those happy folks when you need them…so negative are you…who wants all that gloominess…painting their colorful life into dark shades of gray…hypocrites..hypocrites you say…forget them…and their twinkle toed bull crap…start giving real advice…instead of poetic madness…lend an ear that actually hears..not listening only to be thinking of what you have to say next…there are no easy answers to issues so complex…it can’t be solved in a day let alone in an hour…observe…be quiet..interject only when needed to repeat so it’s known what has been said has been understood or the contrary…

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