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  • 2 weeks later...

Congratulations!! Woohoo! that's a big reason to celebrate!!

Hope to be able to say the same in a few months!

And what the specialist said is basically what you can think off yourself as well! But fingers crossed that soon this will all be a bad memory!! Hugs! Go party!

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Congratulations!! Woohoo! that's a big reason to celebrate!!

Hope to be able to say the same in a few months!

And what the specialist said is basically what you can think off yourself as well! But fingers crossed that soon this will all be a bad memory!! Hugs! Go party!

And this weekend is a holiday weekend!!! Wooo!! I can have a drink!

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Yeah me too.... except on the meds, then i sleep like a log and don't wake up at all.....i noticed when i was almost off them that i have to learn to sleep again but now since i needed to up the dose again, I'm out like a log.....

I rather wake up 10 times!!


I have always since childhood been an insomniac. Ugh. But at least waking up 10 times at night I'm not chewing through my own teeth.

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You're on the way to get your life back! Without the sleep haha

Pretty sure you have much more energy as well! And in a few months if all goes well you'll have your memory back as well


I have a ton of energy now and memory is working it's way back. Yay!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
Oh no! Yeah stress is a really big trigger but that's easy said.... trying to keep calm in a situation like that is impossible. Hope it goes away again soon!


Yes ,I really hope it goes away. I really hope she decides not to do the other knee because I'm not going through this crap .

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Fingers crossed!! Stress is so bad yet we can't do anything really to prevent it.... try to stay calm but that really doesn't work all the time!

Hope it'll go soon and you won't need meds again!


Pain is still continuing about every second day about it flares up . I really don't want to have to go on meds again .

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  • 1 month later...

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