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very embarresing


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about 3months ago, i found a spot in a very akward place. sorry to be graphic, but its sort of just below the 'crack' of my bum, a few cms away from my actual anus. it just looked like an ordinary boil-disgusting i know, so i popped it and cleaned the area and stuff. the thing is, it keeps coming back like every few weeks and sometimes the skin around it itches a bit and the spot hurts sometimes when i sit down. is it just a spot or is it something else?


anyone who might knw what it is or if you've had something, please let me know

thanxs qt xxx

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yeah... gi-normous pimples on the butt are supposed to be somewhat common things. Yes, it is a boil - just a huge pimple. I don't know... def keep the area clean. put on pimple cream, hopefully it will go away in a week.... don't pick! And, ask a doctor, they may have better advice than me. Good luck!

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From link removed (There's photos there too...) Looks like you should see a doctor - don't worry! They've seen MUCH worse!


People refer to tender, red lumps that may ooze pus as boils. A single "boil" may be a ruptured cyst or a small abscess. Most boils can be treated by "incision and drainage", a minor surgical procedure to open the boil and to drain the pus. Oral antibiotics are usually not needed.


Some people have multiple or recurrent boils. These boils are usually Staph infections (furuncles or carbuncles). The bacteria are picked up somewhere and then live on the skin, crowding out the normal, harmless bacteria we all carry. The source may be a family member, a pet or just appear "out of the blue."


In these cases antibiotics are taken by mouth for 10 or 14 days. In stubborn cases two oral antibiotics plus topical antibiotic ointments are usually required to eliminate the bacteria.


Gentle heat, provided by a moist, warm washcloth held over the area for 20 minutes three times a day, speeds up the healing process. Putting antibiotic ointment (Neosporin, Bacitracin, Iodine or Polysporin) on the boil will not cure it because the medicine does not penetrate into the infected skin. Covering the boil with a Band-Aid will keep the germs from spreading.


A milder version of boils is folliculitis. This is an infection of hair follicles, usually with Staph bacteria. These often itch more than hurt. The appearance is similar to acne pustules.

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thank you so much annie.those really helped especially the last and put me at ease a bit too. i'm going to doctors for my pill in bout 2weeks so i'll show her then. im sure it wnt be that bad, hope not anyways


qt xxx

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One thing I've learned is that if it doesn't belong there, get it out of there before it grows or brings some friends, i.e. spread or get worse.


There is nothing you should be embarrased about when you see a doctor. They are here to help us, and it's not like you're on a reality show where millions will find out about your butt pimple. Take care of yourself and don't let anything stop you from getting the help you deserve.

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Could be many things, cyst, boil, ingrowing hair etc.


Just go to the doctor. Yes its embarrassing (and i should know, I've had to get my penis out in front of one and lets just say, of all the times it had be at its smallest, it typically was when i saw him ), but he/she has seen it all before and worse. Its not your fault. Get to the doctors, and hopefully they will sort u out quickly.

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This might be scary but its a real problem...



Pimples on or around the anus area have the potential to be the first sign of a very serious disease i read about in men's health called MLS or something.


I cant really remember the cause but if your a female athlete or even just a normal person (although its seen mainly in athletes) these pimples, if accompanied by a flu-like illness can be fatal.


lol pretty funny sounding i know...how can a pimple kill someone i dont know all of the answers but i know alot of famous people have had this infection who play in the NFL so id at least mention it to your doctor, it might only effect men too you just never know but it was scary when i read about it because, being a football player, reading about another player who died from a pimple on his butt just scared the bejeezus out of me.


Good luck sorry if i scared you at all,



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