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my ex just texted he misses me and wants to talk


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For those of you who followed my recent post that I just commented on about him breaking up with me even though he says he loves me...it has been a week of me not hearing from him and i haven't eaten...lost 15 pounds..had to go home from work early crying in front of everyone...having panic attacks...trying to accept the loss of him...not expecting to hear from him for maybe months....and then he just wrote "sorry i haven't contacted you, I've been bust. I miss you, you are my best friend..Can we talk some time this week..." i have been a mess and wanting nothing more than to get that text.. and now have it and don't know what to say...

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but isn't that what we want to hear from an ex? they miss you and want to talk? maybe i should ask what he wants to talk about...i asked him not to contact me unless he wanted to to be serious about the relationship and talk about it

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The key thing here is "you are my best friend", he didnt say "you are the love of my life" he used term "friend".


My ex called me one friday evening,sobbing on the phone how nice voice I have,how she misses me and we should go for a coffee (an hour before she texted me to return to her which I missread as to return something to her), I agreed for coffee and we went,afterwards she was saying how wonderful time she had (and during the coffee she wass all over me with compliments and staring at me) and that we should do it again, I told her we should but next week since I was quite busy,she told me to tell her when I could. Weekend came I asked her for coffee she said she has to see if she can make it, well she didnt respond after that. I got mad at her and then waited for my emotions to get stable and few days later asked her why de fck is she playing with me,she said she has feelings for me but not enough for relationship, I told her off then. Just last week when I went to visit my fwb in her hometown , ex sent me a message if I'm busy (I didnt reply since I dont really go to fb anymore) and few hours later she asked me for some bar near my house,seen those messages the next day, I was polite and told her about the bar on which she just replied "ok",went cold again. Since I'm sick of playing games I deleted her off my fb and just want to move on, I dont need kids that dont know what they want in my life.


And no,its not what we want to hear, we want to hear them wanting to come back,not them wanting to talk to their best friend. You dont need to be your ex's best friend, it will just hurt more.


It sounds harsh,but in reality those are all just breadcrumbs where they have seen you slipping away,but dont want to be with you. In short, having their cake and eat it too. Nope, I'm not falling for that again.

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I'm sorry it's so painful for you, girl! I've been there before. Heartbroken. No appetite. No motivation. It sucks, but you'll get through it!


Hmmm, has he initiated any communication since? Has he tried to set up a specific time to meet, etc.? I will simply say that one week after the break, he probably does viscerally miss you, but that doesn't mean he's really in a position to get back together with you in a healthy way. Most likely he is just in pain and looking to return to the status quo to take that pain away.


You said he broke up with you, right? Even though he loved you? Sounds like he's confused. I mean this doesn't sound very solid to me. It sounds like he's flailing and looking for you make it better. But what happens when he gets that urge satisfied? Will he get to the point where he thinks he has to break up with you again?

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