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please help me i am in embarressed about myself!


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i am majorly overweight. its not just me that thinks it i want to lose a lot of weight and fast before the summer. does anybody have anytips or something to help me? i have tried so many differant things. i can't stick to them and then i will gain just as much weight back as i lost please help i am begging you!!



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I have been doing ww winning points for about 7 weeks and have lost 13 lbs so far. It does work.


I know you think there will be some miracle diet for you, but the truth is, it takes time to lose weight and it's a lifestyle change that needs to happen for you if you are truly overweight.


the hardest part is sticking to a diet. I honestly recommend that you try your hardest at whatever you pick and make it a permanent change!



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Well, stay away from sugar, don't go on that carbs diet crap it doesn't help. Oh yeah, correction: Stay away from eating massive amounts of sugar. Don't eat too much carbs, so that means cut down on cheez-its anything with saturated fat I recommend you not eat. Saturated Fat, Trans-Fat, that stuff is basically what causes it (I know this from South Beach Diet I watched it on the news and the guy explained what makes you fat so And sometimes you can't get rid of fat (only if you go through liposuction and that's not good if your only 14), like it's all about your genes and how your thyroid gland went bad on you. And if it's a thyroid problem, I'm sorry but you can't do anything about it But if your skinny (bone structure) then you can lose it no problem. If your worrying about what other girls think of you, guys, whatever, then it's fine. I know a lot of girls who are obese but they don't care, their happy with themselves. No one really cares if your fat or not, unless your EXTREMELY obese like 300lbs-400lbs, which I'm assuming your not. Try buying the South Beach Diet and trying that out. But mostly stay away from eating too much protein, don't eat too much carbs, eat lots of vegatables (salad, carrots etc.). Prevent lazyness and work out a lot, if you decide not to work out it's just going to get worse. And when eating salad don't pour on a gallon of salad dressing only as much as one pinky finger size of dressing is needed. And drink plenty of water, water is the essential of life. Exercise daily, 3 times a week, too much exercise can cause brain damage. I used to be a exercise-a-holic I know don't post and tell me BS on how that's a myth, etc. And don't starve yourself, everyone needs to eat and it'll make you even worse than before. Anorexia is VERY bad. So anyway, know your not alone and 75% of the U.S is obese so it's a common thing. Also, it's ok to be fat, fat protects vital organs and muscles.

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Something wrong with society is that we as americans expect "instant results"...


learn that it takes time to accomplish things... you get the most out of the things that you really work at for a while..


Learn that, and then maybe you will have the patience and the will to lose the weight you have.



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I know how hard it is to loose weight. I have always been overweight. But scince July 04 I changed my eating habits I'm more active and I've lost 44 lbs so far. I things that are healthier and I don't eat as much and I try to exercise.


And like Softmoonlight said it takes time

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Unless your doctor says something to you chances are your fine. But if you really want to lose weight eat a blanced diet cut back on sweets and fats. Experiment and find something you like it can be a combination of things. Just don't starve yourself. Carbs are your main source of energy try to keep that in mind. Do so research to see how to lose weight safely or ask your doctor on your next visit. Sometimes the one that answers the phone at the doctor's office can answer your questions about it or get someone that can.

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Weight watchers is great - I lost 35 pounds with weightwatchers 3 years ago. Don't force yourself to lose it quickly - people who lose quickly tend to gain quickly. It's better to be slow and steady - 1-2 pounds per week. Walk, drink water, eat more fruits and veggies, less greasy and sugary foods. Lean protein, whole grains. It's not like you can't have a treat once in a while - a cookie or a piece of cake once in a while (1 or 2 times a week) won't make you fat, but having more than that will. It's about moderation.


Go to link removed, they may have some good tips on getting you started. Good luck! PM me if you have any questions.

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Many people go on different diets hoping to lose wieght. Many of them don't work. Exercise is really the only way to lose wieght. Yet you have to be commited, and if you are, then exercise everyday and in a few months you should see some results. But if you need some drastic measures, then I suggest life-o-suction but as a last resort. Good luck!

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Ok - DN is right. I'm assuming that you are actually overweight, as in a BMI 25 or over. It's not just exercise. You also have to scale back on your calories. Calories out must be greater than calories in. Actually, I saw this on MSNBC or link removed, but 12 of the major weight loss programs/diets were evaluated, and weightwatchers was the only one that gave long lasting results.


It's more than a diet. They teach you how to keep track of what you eat, and how to identify triggers that make you overeat. They teach you techniques to help you avoid temptation. (And, they teach you how to forgive yourself when you slip and how to get back on track.) Also, the knowledge that you are going to a weekly meeting where they weigh you helps keep you on track. That, and everyone there is very supportive. Obviously, I have a lot of good things to say about them.

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Just curious: by any chance.. has anyone heard of any

more simple method of gaining weight than to go to a gym?

I am very lean and even if I eat more.. my arms\neck is still very lean.

I know gym is the best, but it requires so much work.. I'd rather lay on a couch and eat some ice cream instead

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muscle implants!!!! (Actually... some guys do get pec implants...)


But seriously, we'd all like to sit on the couch and eat ice cream and be beautiful, but it's just not gonna happen. Join a gym, have the trainer work out a plan for you. The gym could help with confidence too!

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muscle implants!!!! (Actually... some guys do get pec implants...)


But seriously, we'd all like to sit on the couch and eat ice cream and be beautiful, but it's just not gonna happen. Join a gym, have the trainer work out a plan for you. The gym could help with confidence too!


Oh well.. I have tons of ways how to lose weight, most of them do not require so extraordinary efforts as running 5 miles evety day or puffing in a gym (it works too, but with SO MUCH MORE efforts...).


I believe that just out diet is awful in general...I do not restrict myself in calories at all but rather try to eat what's in general healthy: fruit/vegetables/fish/oats/ etc try to gain weight on that kinda diet.


I am gone to get on my counch with my ice cream


What are pec implants btw are they expensive?

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ha ha ... you are funny! Pec implants are breast implants, but for men.


If you go lift weights, then go home and eat tons of protein, it will help bulk you up. Not about losing weight... gaining weight for you!!! I lift weights and cut my calorie intake to force my muscle to consume fat for energy. So, I, like other women, get more lean and toned, not bulked.

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But seriously, we'd all like to sit on the couch and eat ice cream and be beautiful, but it's just not gonna happen. !


I am gone to get on my counch with my ice cream


Ice cream is good for you at this website:


link removed

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ha ha ... you are funny! Pec implants are breast implants, but for men.


If you go lift weights, then go home and eat tons of protein, it will help bulk you up. Not about losing weight... gaining weight for you!!! I lift weights and cut my calorie intake to force my muscle to consume fat for energy. So, I, like other women, get more lean and toned, not bulked.


No, I am like a lazy Amish: dont like to exercise, dont want women to excercise a lot...unless it is somehting pleasant like walking.


Would not it be a more simple way to get slim: just to have a better diet and forget about aggressive weight lifting? I live like that.

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But seriously, we'd all like to sit on the couch and eat ice cream and be beautiful, but it's just not gonna happen. !


I am gone to get on my counch with my ice cream


Ice cream is good for you at this website:


link removed]


"The additive that makes low-fat ice cream smooth may also make kids' bones stronger, a group of researchers think."


Hm.. unfortunately I passed that age when it was healthy, besides I cant stand low fat products: almost no taste. How people can eat that??


I heard that everyday glass of wine is a good thing against heart disease..

coffee help prevetning liver cancer...

Still something tells me fuir and grain are much better for the whole body....

Ice cream is just for fun, not for health obviously...

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well... good for you, but I am one of those women who simply looks at a slice of cake and gains 5 pounds. So, I have to watch it.



You are a fan of cakes? I found it is really hard to find a decent one (a

cake of course): most are very sugary.. and kinda taste the same. Besides high refined sugar is not a good thing for the body.


I just found I didnt have any ice cream...I am too lazy to go buy it.

Sometimes moderate laziness is a first step to a good health

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Like those people who drive five miles to the gym to cycle ten miles on a stationary bike.


Thats the whole idea behind car making industry (and not only car industry): to make people have stereotypes...

Most people go to a gym, why should I ride a real bike? I want to be a proud member of s society...and it works.


It is everywhere though, speaking about ganing weight: once you got addicted to fast food, almost certainly you will gain some wieght. Maybe not only some, maybe a lot. It seems like brain stops walking giving in control to out stomach once we get addicted to some food...


(and not only food: people want to have a home, right, and most people chose the most expensive way to get one: here they rather pay 10-20 times more for a regular hone than buy a mobile one. Why? No prestige...

no class...most members of our society do not do that...

so they prefer to pay mortgage for 30 years and pay about 20 times more. A wonderful stereotype)

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well... if you live in an area where it snows or rains a lot, or the traffic is bad, and the drivers aren't very careful, riding the stationary bike at the gym is better than riding a normal bike. I've been hit by a car when the driver wasn't watching where he was going.

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I understand, but it does seem a statement of modern times. Just find it a bit amusing - and I did do that myself!!


We all do that cuz we all "proud" members of out society...


Modern times? before they just didnt have cars or gyms

Stereotypes have been existed all the time...


A funny one is when women used to darken some of their teeth with some

black stuff... why? In order to imitate well off class who at those old times could consume refined sugar (poor could not) and as a result of teeth problem developed massive black areas on their teeth.

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