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Guys who go Mia before meet up


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What is everyone's thoughts on people who stop responding before a meet up and then you hear from them a few weeks or a month or so later?


Connected with a guy off a dating app, texted a few times to arrange a meet up. Well before we finalized plans for our meet, he stopped responding. now 3 weeks later I get a "hey lost track of meeting up, let me know if you are still interested to meet up." Granted, I know we haven't met and he has no obligation to me etc, and he probably had met someone else and maybe it didn't work out with them and now he's back to me. But, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Seems rude and I'm somewhat put off. But is this just normal in today's dating world, and I'm just being over sensitive? Would you all still meet up or give someone a chance under these circumstances? What's everyone's opinions on it?

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I'm gonna play devils advocate on this one....I've had it done to me and it's annoying but I've also done it a few times. When I did it it wasn't intentional, was usually due to a crazy busy work schedule and not being able to plan a meet up right away so I lost focus on it. I'm not saying everyone who does this actually has a good reason, a lot probably don't and Its usually my first guess that they set their sights on someone else, but maybe wouldn't write everyone off who did this if they had a good reason for it and they felt genuine. Just me .2.

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My response is .... NEXT!




my suspicion is that they're already in a relationship. They thought that their partner was going to be out of town/at work/with friends during the date but the partner's schedule changed at the last minute. Which is why they went MIA. Then contact you 3 weeks later when their partner is visiting family for the weekend or whatever....

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Ehhh, I don't know, he didn't offer up a reason other than "totally lost track of meeting up" which seems like a crock to me. If he offered a better reason then maybe.


Brokenheart, there shouldn't be a maybe. It shows a lack of character, and respect for you.

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Sportster-best comment ever hahaha!


Soul taker - you are absolutely right. I've ignored him. I guess the maybe was in case he would tell me about some family emergency or him being lost at sea with no phone...


He seems pretty full of himself, he had added me on social media when we first connected, and he has so many major dbag posts and pictures. A big "next" is in order here.

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