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My bf and i were together for 9 months, everytnin was fine cept for him suffering depression here n there and not being able to EVEr say how he feels.


He used to get so frustrtaed n upset....even cry form frustration, that he couldnt simply tell me how he felt about me. He said he liked me 9 out of ten ( this is what it comes to trynig to get him to explain how he feels). But that in love to him means ur ready to spend rest of your lives together n hes has to work stuff out before hes ready for that.


anyways weve broken up now after 9 months, when we broke up i asked if there was any chance we would get back together, he said a slim to none chance. That hurt.


anyways 2 days later he wrote me an email as promised explaining the break up alil more, saying he needs time to get over his issues etc b4 he can consider having any r/ship let alone a serious one.

He also said that he was wrong to tell me we had a slim to none chance of gettin back together n that he only said that cos he wnats me to be happy n not miserable worrying about him etc and putting plans on hold.


I replied a erally happy positive email , sayni im ok and that i understand whats happened ( we never fight, both really trust each other, and even when broke up we held hands n kissed one another goodbye, we never are bitter r anything etc)


I have sent him email about how i understand and how i am hre if needs me. I really care and i have been actually really good about us breakin up because i know its what he needs at the moment , so thereforeeee its also what i want. I feel like this time is a good space f us,and if we dont get back together its ok by me, but i will still way wnat us to be friends. as hes my best friend and i care abou him more then naything. hes the most honest and amazing person i know, i want whatever he wnats n whatevers best for him i also want, but i really dont wat us loose friendship. of course i would love us to be together again and he has said he was wrong to say we had a slim to non chance,but i know not to hope and again, i only wna what he wnats.


The thing is its been 9 days since then and he hasnt emailed since.


does that mean he doesnt even want to be friends? does it mean there is no hope of us gettin back?


does it mean he wants nothing to do with me again? his last email was full of care ad tryin his hardest to explain. we have no bad terms.

or is 9 days nothing to stress about?


is he just taking time to get over his issues?

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I think he is. If he is depressed and has issues he needs to work out, he probably needs to do that on his own. So just give him the time and space he needs.


You could send an occasional "still thinking of you - if you need anything give me a call" type message. Keep it light, non-pressuring and supportive.


But at some point you will have to start thinking about what you need in your life, so maybe you should start that process now. It may be that will not include him so you should be getting prepared.


good luck.

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