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Crazy cat lady...


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So, I was grocery shopping today, and the store had really pretty spring bouquets on sale. I grabbed one for myself. This was kind of a symbolic gesture... Just an FYI, a month ago someone I am very in love with who I thought I would spend the rest of my life with, told me we need time apart. This was right after I bought a house. And he told me this on the front porch of the new home that I hoped I would share with him.


So anyway, I'm at the store, I bought myself flowers. And I also bought kitty litter.


I get up to the cash register with a cart full of groceries, flowers and litter, and the cashier asks me who I'm buying the flowers for. I told him they are for me. Then he starts making all these comments about how I'm buying kitty litter too, and I must be a crazy cat lady.


I know it was probably intended to be harmless... but post breakup, comments like that can really upset someone. I left the store, cried the whole way home and was tempted to throw the flowers away.


I didn't.


And now here I am, alone with my cat, posting this thread. I feel really pathetic.

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It just tells you that he is an unhappy person focused on making others feel badly about themselves. I'm glad you bought yourself flowers. There will always be people who make moronic comments - I hope you can put those comments off your radar, fast.


Also remember you never have to answer personal questions - it's none of his business why you were purchasing flowers or litter.

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