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I bought my girlfriend a chocolate almost every time I would go pick her up. I liked giving her gifts, but some guys I know are not that way,it doesnt mean they dont love their gfs they just don't think that way.

Ha! Hence why that book is worth the two of them reading. As I said earlier... and Its "The Five Love Languages" Not. "The Five Languages of Love" in case you're going to actually get it and are looking for it on line.


Here's a link to get you started: /

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@ Wolfshook. Thank you for your reply. That is very nice and generous of you. Well, I don't expect him to buy me gifts every time I see him because I think that will be too much but I just think it's a nice gesture. It's nice to see that he thinks about me, cares about me and thought of me. Well, what do you guys think if every once a week I cook for him but he never thought about buying some groceries for us to share (It can be something light like salad, snacks, vegetables or fruits; I don't expect lots from him)?

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Well he does show love and appreciation in many ways by always saying the four letter words, helping me wash dishes, willing to vacuum my place for me, drive me around, willing to help me carry groceries, sending me articles that is useful for me. Also, on special occasions he usually buys me non-personal items such as a book, kettle, a piece of charm for my Pandora bracelet...Do you think a boyfriend should buy non-personal items even though I live with my family?

He sounds like a really nice guy and does a LOT more than most guys would. Count yourself lucky. Also, do you have any idea how expensive Pandora charms/jewelry is?

I think this guy clearly cares for you but you still want and expect more. Learn to appreciate what you've got and don't focus so much on materialistic things - one day it will come back to bite you.

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Thank you Capricorn3. He does cares about me. It's wonderful to hear all of your feedback on this thread and post. Looks like I shouldn't think too much about the gifts he give to me. I do appreciate what he does for me but I just wanted to know how others treat their gf/bf.

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Thing is, you can't compare relationships and boyfriends, maybe someone else's boyfriend buys her more and greater gifts, yet he hits her or cheats on her and then feels the need to "apologize "

You don't know what's going on behind closed doors and yourboyfriend seems like a keeper!

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My guy and I share expenses when we go out. We do random things for each other as we want to. Example.... He stopped to get new wipers for his car and grabbed new ones for mine as well because he knew I needed them. He posted on FB that he wanted a T-shirt....there wasn't a link to buy it so I had one made for him. We didn't exchange gifts at Christmas, but we do things for each other as we want to. I don't need a day marked out on a calendar for special things. I prefer them to be whenever.

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@ Catcountry: Thanks for your reply. You are so lucky to have a wonderful and considerate guy who thought about buying things for you especially when he knows you need it. That's very sweet. You guys are sweet couple. I think that's how a bf/gf should be or treat each other and not just buy gifts for each other on special occasions. That can just make life boring.

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@ darkphoenix007: Thanks for your reply. you both are a sweet couple. I wish mines was like that. Yes, of course everyone wants to feel special and not just like a friend. If I just receive gift on special occasions it sounds like any friend can give me gifts on special occasion too. So nothing special or indifferent between friend and couple with exception of being intimate with each other. Great for you

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Ok admittedly I haven't read the whole thread. The question I have is, does your boyfriend pay for meals / drinks/ a coffee or anything for you when you go out or pay for activities, some of the time? Does he ever cook for you or cook together with you? Does he buy things for both of you to share (eg deserts)?


For me, I don't expect gifts big or small on non-occasions and certainly would not equate the act of gift giving with love. Certainly I've had boyfriends who bought me things randomly and did not treat me well or that the relationship was failing. I look at whether they treat me with respect, whether they do things for me in any way, without expecting the same in return (I will of course do nice things for them in return but I don't like people who do things for others only because they expect or know the favour will be returned), whether we get along, have similar goals and values, and whether he's affectionate.


If a boyfriend never pays for anything for me (or us), we always split 50/50 (rather than take turns), I would have a problem with that because I just don't like that approach and we wouldn't be compatible. I don't want someone who's stingy or calculating, but other than that, I don't expect my boyfriend to buy random things for me just because, if they do, that's great, if not that's fine too. If I want something I can buy it myself.


My boyfriend cooks for me sometimes and we cook together sometimes, he's bought things (food or drinks) for us to share a number of times, we take turn paying when we go out without keeping tab, for me that's good enough. There are a hundred different ways to show love other than buying things.

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You just can't compare your relationship to your friends' or random strangers on the internet.


Bottom line...do you really, really want a boyfriend who buys you gifts? Or do you want the boyfriend you have now? Because if gifts are that important to you, you might just have to find a boyfriend who gives gifts.

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It sounds like getting presents is really important to you. I can't relate to it...just took the love language quiz and gift giving was at the bottom of my list. Physical touch was way up there and that rings true if a little surprising to me.

My bf does bring me little gifts a lot...but honestly, his hugs and touching me kindly so often blows all the gifts out of the water for me. Same with how he'll do uncomfortable things to help ease my load. That's huge for me.


But for you, if the gift giving matters, well it just does. Is it maybe a matter of compatibility?!?

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I am just wondering if you are dating a boyfriend for a year, do you guys give each other random gifts (just something small - ie a box of chocolates, a bag of fruits, a big teddy bear whenever you see something that you know your gf/bf likes.. etc) throughout the year and not just on special occasions? If he doesn't give you gifts on non-special occasion, does it mean he doesn't love you or doesn't treat you well. Is it worth dating a guy who doesn't want to spend money on you? Does your bf give you gift randomly? I would like your feedback and recommendations. Please share. Thanks a lot.


If you like to receive gifts and he doesn't give you any, you're not a good match. It doesn't matter what we do, or don't do.

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