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My boyfriend won't answer me after a serious fight..


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I recently was broken up with by my boyfriend of about eight months, he said that he things I wasn't happy. That he wants me to be happy and he doesn't want to hurt me. Then he told me he loves me and wants to fix it then he got really drunk and touched my friends like at the bar. I have texted him and called him and he hasn't replied to me. We were together and I have to see him Friday. He is telling my friend he loves me, but his past he thinks it scares me. I just want my boyfriend back who loves me. It makes no sense to me. Because we were really well together and He won't even answer my text messages or calls. What do I do?

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Because we were really well together and He won't even answer my text messages or calls. What do I do?


To put it bluntly, I think he's full of it. Either way, it sounds like he's lost interest (sorry) and is now simply making a short story, long...so to speak.


I would retain my self-respect, and stop chasing him. You don't need this nonsense...

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he said that he things I wasn't happy. That he wants me to be happy and he doesn't want to hurt me.


I'm sorry, but that's usually what they say when *they* aren't happy and want to make it seem like they're doing it for your best interest, it's an easy out for them. A cowards way out. I'm sorry, you deserve better.

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Ugh...I'm sorry but he is feeding you the classic it's not you it's me lines. For whatever reason or reasons, he has lost interest. You really would be best off sparing yourself some dignity and walking away with out further begging and contact. He knows you've been trying to reach him and he is not interested in talking to you. As for going back to what you had....it's just not possible. The past is gone and the present is all you have. At present, he is groping someone else. Sorry. Hugs. Hold your head high and move on. Delete his number.

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