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Where to get the best dentures?? Please read.


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I am 28 years old and have major issues with my teeth. They're all pretty much bad and will eventually want them all pulled. Bad habits of coffee and smoking landed my here for the most part but genetics does play a role too, since alot of my family has had theirs removed in 20s and 30s. The thought of losing all my natural teeth at a young age is depressing enough. I feel like I'm losing a limb on my body and ill never get it back. And no matter what kind of prosthetic I get, its not going to ever be the same! So my question is, does anyone know of any place in Indiana that makes the best dentures? I'm talking natural looking teeth that also support lips and cheeks(since I'm going to have a sinking to my face). Its depressing enough that my teeth are going this early and I dont want to look a decade or 2 older by my face sinking in so I want good dentures to support that too. I want them to look as natural and real as possible. I am so self conscious and I'm feeling bad enough about that part alone. Someone please tell me there's hope and that these such dentures do exist! I'm really depressed and nervous about all of this. Thank you!

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I would suggest you get 3-4 opinions and find a really good dentist.


I can't even begin to tell you how many dentist recommended pulling teeth and thousands of dollars of procedures on my wifes and my teeth. Thankfully, we have a great friend that's a dentist, one simple visit and they dismiss other dentists claims and are also quite disturbed by them.


Don't forget, Dentist = business. In business to make money OFF you. Finding a great dentist is as hard as finding a great mechanic (read: almost impossible).


Also, you have a problem of being self conscious. Look, we all have imperfections and flaws......going insane over these things is not healthy. Also being depressed and nervous is not healthy either.


If your teeth are not hurting or causing you pain, chances are there is no problem. What are you going to do when you get old and ugly? Plastic surgery? All of these things are EXTREMELY expensive "temporary bandaids". All of them will lead you on a road of constantly readjusting and fixing things....which is even more costly.


Do you even know what kind of pain and suffering is involved by removing "all your teeth" and how much you are risking long term? No dentist will tell you this, as they are not the ones stuck with your pain....just your money.


Rethink this, seriously.


PS. I've dealt with smoking and coffee addictions and abused both (so did my wife). We still have all of our teeth.


Remember, NOTHING is perfect, EVER. Nothing ever was nor ever will be. Learn to love yourself for exactly who you are and the way you are today. It's step #1 of maturity.

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