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My gf and I broke up about two weeks ago. We dated and lived together for alittle of a year. I am 28 and she is 22. She told me she needed to move home to be with her family over her cousin who just passed away. She moved home and I tried to contact her but she wouldn't reply or answer back. So I went kind of nuts and annoyed her to the point that she told me it was over. She battles with depression and I have been told she has been drinking alcohol pretty daily. She just went on a cruise with her family so she is out of the country right now. I am trying the "no contact rule" and going to see if it works. We were fine before the death of her cousin. I have no idea what happened.

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I can guess it was a lot of stress and mourning over her cousin that changed the dynamic between you two. Doesn't sound like she is in a solid frame of mind with the drinking and depression. Give her space. She will hopefully realize what she did out of irrational thinking.



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Whoa, yeah that's pretty obvious she's really heartbroken over her cousin. Give her space. You shouldnt have texted her that much that always never goes over well. Give her a few days and text her a really sweet message about how you feel about her and give her some quotes on life and just make her smile. Its not that hard. Put your heart into it. But remember to give it a few days.

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Whoa, yeah that's pretty obvious she's really heartbroken over her cousin. Give her space. You shouldnt have texted her that much that always never goes over well. Give her a few days and text her a really sweet message about how you feel about her and give her some quotes on life and just make her smile. Its not that hard. Put your heart into it. But remember to give it a few days.


I disagree with this. I wouldn't text her whatsoever. You two broke up. Family member dying or not, sounds like she had problems if she's into alcoholism and things. OP, I would move on from this girl. The age difference isn't terrible, however, sometimes the younger girls don't know what they want in life yet. You're 28, you should be established now, have some money, a career, you should find someone in the same position around your age. This girl doesn't sound like a real winner.

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  • 1 month later...

Yeah, give her space to figure it out right now. She's dealing with loss and having a lot of realizations. When I lost a family member, I about lost my wits as well. I think quarter life crisis? I went a little weird and thought a lot about shortness of life and wondered if I was living it up enough. I wanted to do more and just take advantage of life.


Realize it's not about you. Right now she needs that space to discover her place in this world. I'm sure when time is right she will open up to you. I know this isn't what you'd like to hear and I know you're sad. Not much you can do at this moment since she's in a different frame of mine and doesn't expect you to understand just yet. Time, just give it time.

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