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Missing my ex 5 Years Later

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Hey guys. This is very strange. My ex and I broke up 5 years ago. We dated for 3 years... (I'm a lesbian and she was... straight?) yet... I miss her out of the blue? We were kids back then and now I am a fully grown adult, she has her marriage and kids and I have my life as well. I WOULD NEVER contact her! she hurt me so much! It was so bad I didn't shed a tear or talk to her/see her ever again after our very messy break up and I have never spoken about her to anyone because I moved away closed all social media and started a new life in a different city the second we broke up... so why am I suddenly thinking about her. I feel so stupid for feeling like this since she was monster to me. I would rather sleep in a cage with lions than be in the same room with her.


Is this normal for someone who has moved on to think about an ex? I have become almost obsessed wondering if she ever missed me after our break up since she obviously did not care about me and I did a disappearing act...


I've had people tell me I need closure with her, but I would much rather give myself that closure. I will never speak to her or see her or allow her to know about my whereabouts until the day I die. So what is going on with me? I though I was over this whole thing a loooong time ago... is it my curiosity to know if she missed me or do I actually miss her... I feel gross...

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