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My ex why is she doing this?


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Me and my ex been seprated for a year and half from 8 year relationship she enter a new relationship. While shes with her bew toy shes been texting me that shes going to leave this guy unhappy and miresable but never does.


Its my fault that i've let her string me along so much. She also ssid she wanted to work things out but still with this guy ? I just had it and told her to let it be.... She still insist in contacting me in telling me the same lies is this because she feels guilty or because what i havent talk to her in a couple 1 month. But going full no contact. She puts stupid qoutes up about us but i dont know.. I told her its better you telling me your not coming back then to give me false hope ...


Any feed back thank you

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Me and my ex been seprated for a year and half from 8 year relationship she enter a new relationship. While shes with her bew toy shes been texting me that shes going to leave this guy unhappy and miresable but never does.


Its my fault that i've let her string me along so much. She also ssid she wanted to work things out but still with this guy ? I just had it and told her to let it be.... She still insist in contacting me in telling me the same lies is this because she feels guilty or because what i havent talk to her in a couple 1 month. But going full no contact. She puts stupid qoutes up about us but i dont know.. I told her its better you telling me your not coming back then to give me false hope ...


Any feed back thank you


Well you could ask her. Hey are you serious about leaving your bf? Can we cc him on these messages? And then bam, she'll disappear from your life without a trace. She may not know if her new relationship is going to last and at least with you it lasted 8 years. So you know, go with some excitement without stability or stability with no excitement. Problems she deals with.

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You are not smart for engaging with your Ex or ANY Person that's involved and in a relationship.


# of reasons:

1) even if she leaves, do you really want a girl that will engage into inappropriate/personal conversation with another male?

2) do you really think she won't do that to you?

3) do you really want a cheater for long term relationship?


WHY she is doing this is irrelevant. But chances are it's for attention and you are her fall guy.


Remember, people will ONLY do what YOU allow. Currently your lack of firm boundaries is quite concerning.


Block/ignore her and move on.....she is clearly telling you that she is no good and NOT a long term relationship material.

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