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Wanting to reach out to my ex


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I recently separated from my ex of a little over a year (it's been a a little over a week now). She initiated the breakup stating that she just had a feeling that she could not see us coming up with the tools necessary or overcoming some of some smaller issues for the long run. Some of the issues she had with me were my cynical sarcasm (Im 36, I like to make jokes) and she felt it was hard to approach me when she had something serious to discuss (she is timid in nature and never really tried. I made it a point to reach out to her and still had a hard time getting her to open up). There was also some pressure from her family that I was not of the same class and religion (this I understand is a tough one but I truly believe that love can overcome).


A quick background to our relationship: we never had any fights, or major arguments. Loved spending time together and constantly complemented each other. We traveled quite a bit and to be honest had a great relationship. We loved each other deeply, had trust in one-in-other and were both loyal.


Now that it ended very abruptly (she showed up to my house and initiated the break-up and had a few of my things in a small bag) I'm naturally trying to piece things together. I have not yet initiated any contact (it's only been a week) and have already begun looking into myself and how I can improve for myself based on the little feedback I did receive.


Here is where the kicker comes in. I honestly would rather not be with any other women in the world with this. She has my full admiration, respect, and love. What I'm thinking of is giving it a little more time (maybe another week), initiating some contact to get a feel on things, and attempting to see if things can be mended. The way I see it is you only live once and you should honestly do what your heart wants.

Any feedback or advice here would be appreciated. If you need more info just ask.

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First off, I'm so sorry about your breakup. It takes a toll on your mind because you're left questioning what happened, why it happened, and how it happened. But before you start begging and pleading for her back, I want you to stop for a moment and:


1) Allow yourself to feel all of the emotions. Cry, scream, be depressed. It helps. Don't suppress your feelings. You'd be doing more harm than good.

2) Fix your favorite comfort foods. It helps.

3) Listen to some some sad music (I know that sounds counter-productive, but it helps). I personally recommend "How can you mend a broken heart" by Al Green and "Lately" by Stevie Wonder. I cried like a baby, but I felt so much better afterwards.

4) Keep a support system around you. Whether it be friends or a family member, keep them close. If you feel comfortable enough, you can message me.


Do this for about another week and then try to reach out. Take care

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First off, I'm so sorry about your breakup. It takes a toll on your mind because you're left questioning what happened, why it happened, and how it happened. But before you start begging and pleading for her back, I want you to stop for a moment and:


1) Allow yourself to feel all of the emotions. Cry, scream, be depressed. It helps. Don't suppress your feelings. You'd be doing more harm than good.

2) Fix your favorite comfort foods. It helps.

3) Listen to some some sad music (I know that sounds counter-productive, but it helps). I personally recommend "How can you mend a broken heart" by Al Green and "Lately" by Stevie Wonder. I cried like a baby, but I felt so much better afterwards.

4) Keep a support system around you. Whether it be friends or a family member, keep them close. If you feel comfortable enough, you can message me.


Do this for about another week and then try to reach out. Take care


Thank you!


I have really been reflecting this last week. There has been plenty of time for myself. So far I have gone through the sad and angry emotions, but really haven't hit any other stages.


I've got one song I pretty much listen to on loop lol. I've been with friends and family a lot. I'm sure I'm driving them crazy by this point.

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